Capitalism managed by the Rajoy Government surprises us with new measures, they are measures that force us to mobilise against them, if we do not want them to put us to the bottom definitively and discriminate against the immigrants in need. “Mafias yes, poor no” could be the motto of these measures. The Rajoy Government is the enemy of immigrants, even almost xenophobia; it is considering making an exception in the Aliens Act for investors. This law is a restriction and absolute control of the entry of immigrants from Africa and Asia into the Spanish State. And now they want to reform it so that foreigners who buy more than EUR 160,000 can give their residence permit. In other words, they prefer Russian or Chinese mafias to leave their coins to banks with stock of housing, to poor immigrants coming to look for work on skates or cheap flights. They do not seem to care about the origin of these funds, although they can find a solution for white capital. Once again, the Spanish Government is a slave of banking to save the real estate market.
Under the motto “Euskal Herria underway, for decent work and for social rights”, from 26 to 30, a march has been organized between the majority of unions and a hundred social agents. They have asked Basque public institutions to defend their rights and to change their public policies so that they can change public policies. They also want to form a common front between all parties to the right to housing, as in recent times surprising measures are being taken, “evictions for the poor and residence for those who have money”. We must prevent the slogan “Mafias yes, not poor” from being complied with.
As a professor of the UPV/EHU, I have often received an invitation to give the conferences. Often for musutruk or low pay. As a professor, they assumed that he had a living and stable wage. Nobody asked me about the working situation. I have not opened my mouth.
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