Following the coup of ARTUR MAS, the path of independence has become more abrupt for the Catalan sovereigns. Yes, it could be said that there is still a very large majority in the new Parliament, almost two-thirds in favour of them: 87 sovereign seats and 48 unionists; plus those who defend the right to decide (as advocated by the CSP in its programme), 107 in favour and 28 against. But right now, it's not just the field of numbers. Long before the elections, there was talk of what CiU and Mas would have done if everything had gone well, without the CIU having gone back, and it was not entirely clear. And less now.
Last week former ERC leader Josep Lluis Carod Rovira was in Pamplona talking about independence and his followers. Using the image of football, Catalonia won 2-0 to Spain then: somewhat was the manifestation of September 11 and the support of international public opinion. Then, with a nuance that made the situation more intelligible, he added: “Spain has not yet brought players into the field.” For it has already started to come out, and for the future there is no doubt that it will take a very solid eleven, well dressed in players and, as El Mundo has shown, dirty too.
Everything is complicated by CIU and now you will have to make strong and quick decisions. The goal of the elections was to pave the way for independence, and Mas announced on Sunday night that he will follow that line. It will see how, but if so, a CIU government will have to be formed. In 2003, when ERC formed a tripartite government with the PSC and ICV, a new air flow was opened in Catalonia. But it failed, and ERC paid the wager, which it repeated in 2006, very willingly. However, in the years 2003 and 2006, many people supported the CIU government, even though the wager did not thrive. Now, the option of independence has no other way.
ERC wants to entice ICV to the wager, but it knows that the people of Joan Herrera will not bite that hook. Only ERC will have to face up to the challenge, for on the one hand it will be hopeful that they will have to prepare a referendum, and on the other hand, overflowing with concerns, because they will have to govern with the CIU cutbacks. And it goes to some, but not all, because the lack of money is going to affect the new government and it is going to have to make cuts, as left-wing and right-wing governments are doing across Europe. All this, moreover, if the government of the CIU is finally carried out. But it has two options: either withdraw (like Ibarretxe) or follow the path of independence.
Independence has suffered a severe psychological blow, especially as that spirit of 11 September has not been reflected with the same force in the elections, but that was not a chimera and the sovereignty of Catalonia has a great opportunity to move forward. That's right, probably not in the last few weeks. As tender and fast as it has opened in Catalonia. This new independence and the new form of nation that has taken place in recent years is still there and, little by little, will take shape. The sovereigns also have a great advantage, as the Catalan National Assembly and the strong Associations of Municipalities for Independence will work as a stimulus.
HEKIMEN, a popular initiative Basque media association, was born. Anyone who knows the Basque media world knows that this is an important step, because it is an atomized world and it is not easy to work together among the Basque media. Now the partnership will have to take the lead and make the way. Firstly, it has work from public institutions to deal with the cutbacks that have occurred in recent years. Together, they will make it easier.
Now in the Basque media world two worlds are more easily seen: EITB and HEKIMEN. The first emerged from the public authorities, the other from the social initiative, both with a clear vocation to safeguard and strengthen the public interest. Anyone who knows the Basque media world knows this very well. Regarding the practice in Basque, HEKIMEN is larger in size and audience, and both are essential for the development of the Basque communicative area, but it is time to balance the resources used in both cases: In 2012, the media of HEKIMEN received only €5 million from the Basque Government, EITB €132 million. Among other things, there is much to talk about in terms of effectiveness.
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