Bizitzen ari garen krisia luze jotzen ari da, eta administrazio publikoetan dauden murrizketekin batera, gure enpresetako erreserbak ere gutxienekoaren azpitik daude. Artikulu honen helburua ez da krisitik nola aterako garen esatea, baina bai harekin zerikusia duten gertakizun batzuen berri ematea.
Hego Euskal Herrian, eta batez ere EAEn, ikerketa eta garapenean egindako inbertsioa Europaren batez bestekotik gora izan da orain arte. Aurten Espainiako administrazioak miseria gorrian utzi ditu ikerkuntza-zentroak eta gureak ere nabaritzen hasi dira hori. Eusko Jaurlaritzak ikerketa eta garapenerako dituen programetan zer gertatuko den ez dakigu –eta urtea amaitzear da!–, baina euskal ikerlarien kezka nabarmena da. Europar Batasunak murrizketak iragarri ditu datorren urterako, baina ez da espero Espainian gertatzen ari den adinako basakeria.
Jaurlaritza berriak erronka ederra du alor honetan, eta bi aukera baino ez: espainiarra izan edo geurea izan, ez baitugu ahaztu behar etorkizunaren zati handi baten funtsa orain ikertzen dugunaren araberakoa izango dela. Segituko dugu.
When you work with older people or people with physical and neural diversity, you realize that the idea of competition in our society limits us a lot as a species. That is, our system puts you in value by doing things specifically, and what it doesn't do is incapable of the... [+]
The presence of Elon Musk in the media advances like a rocket after landing in the garden of the White House. Other powers, apparently, have been altered by the power and influence it is acquiring, and to reduce its influence, have charged the X network. In recent weeks, media... [+]
On the Internet comes the title of a movie that I still saw when I was growing up looking for the word Willow. In this fantasy film, the protagonist, a small man named Willow, transformed the world by liberating its inhabitants from an oppressive kingdom. Google just launched a... [+]
The understanding and interpretation of the mathematical language is what is important in the learning process, at least it is what we say to our students. The language of mathematics is universal, and in general, the margin of error for interpretation tends to be small. We... [+]
Perhaps one of the weaknesses of human beings is the tendency we have to listen to and care for the majority. It has certainly been an important feature of the development of our species and necessary for survival. But with digitalization, that characteristic that we have makes... [+]
In Bilbao, I worked for five years with groups at risk of exclusion around the digital divide, especially with women. Along the way, I came across machistan violence and many other problems. In a very organic way, I began to relate to myself and to understand the work of the... [+]