Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

"The artist has to live angry with his century."

  • 88 years and the future.
Nestor Basterretxea bere irudiaren txotxongiloarekin
Nestor Basterretxea bere irudiaren txotxongiloarekinDani Blanco

Oh, artist and his world.

A fatality. The artist is creative if he's an artist, and if he's not a creator, he's just an art author. You have to bring your milliliter into the wonderful sea of art. The consequence of the effort is that the artist always faces society.

Beware, who knows everything, knows even lies!

How can I explain to him that Van Gogh did not sell anything while he lived? Not only that, you walk past your sculptures and they insult you, “that would be my son!” I always congratulate them on having a child like this.

Less bad than critics guide our tastes...

He was suspicious of critics. For example, I still don't understand how some people have in the olympus. Botero draws her backers and draws in super milionary, although I have never seen anything so silly or so vulgar.

If critics don't, politicians will have to save the art.

99% of politicians do not understand the mercy of art. It seems that one of the conditions for obtaining the political card is the passage of art! Yes, then they buy the jobs to get you in their offices, so you can show you modern and cultured before your friends.

Once the panorama shows, because art serves you not to think about death.

I can't stop remembering death many times, but art, thinking about it, helps me not to get ruined. In any case, it would be better if there were no other world or whatever, because having to meet those fascist convicts again would get me out of business.

Ghosts are always ghosts, says my psychoanalyst.

I've had the pretense of living without enemies, and when I realized I had them, I was desolate. Goggles! Now, because Bildu's people deny me the greeting, but, wow, what's not honest with their convictions is a puppet.

Fraternal wars are, they say, the hardest to calm down.

I am in favour of uniting all the Abertzales. If we were to join everyone, do you know how easily we would win all the elections and save suffering? But no, everyone is yours. Imagine, by this division, we couldn't do Mother Earth anymore.

I mean, politics is not, art and work is your motherland!

Serious work is very intimate, constantly testing yourself, treating your intimacy. You have to look at the world out of the window, but with the windows closed, because with so much information you end up drowning others. That's why the artist has to live angry with his century.

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