The man wet his body with fuel and set on fire. The young man, 57 years old and four children, has been working for 30 years in the company France Télécom, in which he worked. On 1 June 2011, the lists of dozens of victims of previous years were only broadened. The mobile phone giant had in vain a profit of EUR 3,895 million in the current year, this worker had a problem.
The suicide crisis in large French companies shows that welfare and economic benefit do not go hand in hand, that rapid corporate clashflow generates nothing but economy for the good of some. Just as the increase in Germany’s GDP rate does not reveal the inadequacies of young people by minibus, or the positive financial balances of BBVA, which do not hear the cries of the foreclosed mortgage.
“Economic success is measured with monetary indicators: with money. But money is not able to measure anything that is valuable to human beings and the environment,” says Austrian economist Christian Felber in a video that runs through the net. According to Felber, the current economy is based on usury and competition, but relations between people accept other values such as trust, honesty, friendship, solidarity… He has proposed a theory to bring them to the economic field: the economy for the common good.
He hasn't invented anything. Some of the models of the economy of the common good (GSP) have long been applied to movements such as the ethical bank, the solidarity economy or fair trade. On the other hand, throughout history many regimes have used and chewed the word “for the good of all”, an idea that also appears in many political constitutions. For centuries, Thomas Aquinas himself used the concept of bonum comunne and spread easily in Christian doctrine. But Felber's mindset has little doctrine and a lot of entrepreneurial alternative.
Felber was born in Salzburg in 1972. He studied philology and political sciences in Vienna and Madrid and currently, in addition to a contemporary dancer, he teaches economics at the University of Vienna. Very critical of globalization, he was one of the founders of Attac in Austria and is the spokesperson for the alterglobalist movement in this city.
In 2008, Felber published a paper on new economic values. Fascinated by their ideas, several businessmen linked to the Attac movement came together to discuss how to put their ideas into practice. After two years, the result: The book Gemeinwohl-Ökonomie (Economy of the common good).
The project was launched in October 2010 during a symposium held in Vienna. Dozens of groups were created in Austria, Germany, Northern Italy and Switzerland to reflect on the GOE theory. A year later, they already had the support of hundreds of companies and institutions, about 60 of which began to make “balances for the common good”.
This balance sheet is one of the GOE funds. A table sets out the criteria to be followed by companies; in total, 17 main criteria: good working conditions, gender equality, ethical sales of the product, reduction of ecological damage, worker participation, transparency in management, wage balance… Each criterion has a number of points; the one that reaches 1,000 points can win and the one that does not reach 200 still has to pay (see table attached).
That’s all very well – the diner who listens to you attentively will tell you – but how can you persuade the shark not to eat the rays? Homo homini lupus says the Latin expression (man is a wolf to man) and many justify the current economic cannibalism as the veneration of egoism in the genetic spiral.
Felber focuses on several researches that raise this belief, including that of the neurobiologist Joachim Bauer. According to Bauer, when Darwin created the theory of evolution, it reflected the English capitalist society of the 19th century, but in no case can we say that human beings are genetically selfish. On the contrary, Bauer states that the best way to adapt to the environment is to cooperate, even biologically. Apparently, when human beings understand us, the brain perceives a stimulus and begins to flow hormonal to make us feel good.
In short, cooperation, rather than competing between companies, would be the most natural and effective way of increasing the well-being of society as a whole.
To achieve this, the GOE recipe does not have a special mystery: there would be a gradual labeling of the products (red, yellow, green) with the results of the audits so that buyers can reward or sanction companies; companies that obtain good balance sheets would get bonuses or public aid, cheaper credits, preference for contracting and research programmes… Thus, the aim of the company would no longer be a common economic benefit, but an activity.
At the time we are writing this phrase, 856 companies, 58 politicians, 147 organizations and 2,877 people have supported the economic movement for the common good. Many of them have also made a satisfactory assessment, and they are by no means mediocre. There are insurers, brewers, banks, bakeries, furnishing… Many of them give the need to hundreds of workers and have thousands of customers.
In the Egyptian company Sekem, for example, 1,850 workers work, who have been freed from their transhipments. With biodynamic agriculture, Ibrahim Abouleishek Sekem emerged in 1977 to combat the desert and poverty of its people. Companies in this cooperative use ecological resources to produce juices, spices and hard medicines, among others. Steps have also been taken in fair trade and in the participation of partners; with their benefits, nurseries and universities have been built to learn what sustainability is.
The idea of the common good has also spread in several countries of the Spanish State and in South America, especially since the Spanish version (The Economy of the Common Good) was published in June. Among the sponsors are a dozen small businesses in the Basque Country and think tanks have been set up – in Bilbao and Donostia-San Sebastián (see interview above). Precisely, this Spanish book recalls the experience of MCC, which in some areas shares with the economy of the common good.
“The movement is unstoppable and only he is growing,” said GOE advocates. Certainly, the project is more subversive than some simple labeling and stimuli. It did not come out of the market economy, but it does take steps to turn it around. In short, we would reach the twenty-two, when the “sovereign people” established in a convention laws that benefited all, creating a kind of “economic constitution”.
However, the capitalist beast has quickly pulled out the claws and there have been few punches that have thrown at Felber in various media: anarkomarxist, teenager, leftist pot... For many others, just as easy as the elm gives them wheat is to realize that dream of the economy. I get too big.
“We must use the strategy of the steps of Ipotx – says the Austrian in his speeches – let us do what we can. Let us not start with the Banco Santander, nor with the European Union. Let’s start with the entrepreneurs of Muro d’Alcoi.”
Situated on the slopes of the first mountains that the Mediterranean observes in Valencia, Muro d’Alcoi is a left-wing town of 9,000 inhabitants – the Valencian Nationalist Bloc has won the last four municipal elections. It has carried out an experiment that can be framed in the economy for the common good: On the initiative of Joan Cascante, owner of the winery Celler la Muntanya, a few years ago the wine project Microvinya was launched.
Before Filoxera’s disease, the entire surrounding area was drawn with vineyards. When Cascant and his partners started making wine, they turned to the owners of the small abandoned vineyard plots. Thus, they have achieved a triple objective: on the one hand, to restore the vineyards and dignify the lives of the winegrowers; on the other hand, to produce a successful wine with local varieties; and, finally, to group the social and cultural groups of Muro d’Alcoi around the project.
The Microvinya wine is made with grapes of 28 minifundia and has its own stamp. The wines marketed on this label must meet a number of requirements: to win in compensation for the work carried out by the farmer; to get the grapes from their vineyards and not to harm the environment; that the winery is rooted in the environment; and to design the promotion while respecting the culture of their peoples.
This new vision of vineyard care has meant a small revolution in the village. Vineyards began to recover and have ended each year organizing days of sustainability, talking about growth and supporting the economy for the common good. Muro D’Alcoi has been proclaimed a municipality for the good of all.
Also in Austria, Bavaria, South Tyrol and Switzerland, several municipalities have announced through their website that they will also participate in the economy of the common good. A municipality of this kind has a number of requirements, among them, to make a common benefit balance in the municipal public administration and to adopt measures for the subcontractors companies and the other companies of the municipality to perform such balance. In Vienna, for example, consideration is being given to companies with this balance sheet taking precedence when the City Hall makes its purchases.
In Euskal Herria we have municipalities that bet on the generation of zero garbage and the project of the Basque currency to promote local trade, we have villages that live in auzolan, self-managed neighborhoods, districts with a great experience in social and cooperative economy... What will be the first to encourage the club for the good of all?
Banku demokratikoa: “Zeregin nagusia aurrezkiak bermatu eta tokiko enpresa eta familientzat kredituak ematea izango da. Diruak, kreditu itxuraz, ondasun publikoa izan behar du, eta finantza merkatuak itxi egin behar dira”.
Ondasun pribatua: “Eztabaidatu beharko litzateke jabego pribatua mugatzeko gehienezko kopuruaz, esaterako 10 milioi euro. 10 milioirekin edonork ia edozein luxu izan dezake, baina gutxiegi da gobernu bat erosi ahal izateko”
Gehienezko soldatak: “Soldata maximoak gutxieneko soldata baino hamar aldiz handiagoak ez izatea. Handizaleek gehiago irabazi nahi badute, posible dute, gutxieneko soldata igoaz”
Enpleguaren banaketa: “Ordu estrak kendu eta asteko lan orduak 30 edo 33ra jaitsi. Horrek denbora utziko luke lanaren beste alderdi batzuetarako: pertsonen zaintza, norbere lanak eta auzolana. Hamar urtean behin ‘urte sabatikoa’, oinarrizko errentak finantzatuta. Langabezia tasa %10 arinduko luke”.
Aztarna ekologikoa: “Hazkunde ekonomikoa jada ez da helburua, bai ordea aztarna ekologikoa gutxitzea. Bizimodua aukeratzeko dugun askatasuna amaitzen zaigu, beste batzuek bizitza duina izateko duten askatasuna mugatzen dugunean”.
Demokrazia zuzena: “Egiazko demokrazian, herri burujabearen interesak eta bere ordezkarienak, berberak dira. Demokrazia ordezkatzailea osatu behar da demokrazia zuzen eta parte-hartzailearekin. Herritarrek euren ordezkariak zuzendu behar dituzte”.
Nola izan zenuen guztien onerako ekonomiaren berri?
Baneraman denboratxo bat haren atzetik, batez ere Interneten Attac mugimenduaren orrialdeak eta bideoak segituz. Gero, Arizmendiarretaren Lagunak elkarteak hitzaldi bat antolatu zuen eta Christian Felber etorri zen, hantxe egin genuen topo.
Zer nabarmenduko zenuke teoria honetatik?
Kontzeptuak jasotzen dituen ideiak ez daude soilik Felberren mugimenduan, lehenago ere landu izan dira, EHUn adibidez, ekonomialari ugari ari dira horien inguruan lanean. Inportanteena da ikuspegia aldatzen duela: ekonomia lehiakortasunean eta norberarentzako etekinean oinarritzen da egun; aldiz, ikuspegi berriak kooperazioan eta guztion ongizatean egiten du azpimarra.
Nola ari zarete antolatzen?
Oraintxe bertan Bilboko taldean ari gara gehien mugitzen; Donostian ere badago beste talde bat, baina hasiberritan daude. Zehaztu nahian ari gara zein den bakoitzaren ikuspegia, oso jende ezberdina biltzen gara, arkitektoak, ingeniariak eta beste mugimendutan ere aritzen den jendea dago.
Pentsatu duzue nola hasi lanean Euskal Herrian?
Hainbat proba egin ditugu erakunde batzuekin, guztien onerako balantzeak dakartzan irizpideak ebaluatu ditugu elkarrekin. Beraiek deitu digute, bizpahiru orduz bildu gara hausnartzeko eta hasierako balorazio bat egiteko.
Etorkizunean aurreikusi duzue, esaterako, guztien onerako udalerriak sustatzea? Udalekin hitz egin duzue?
Ez da gure asmoa proselitismoa egitea. Interesa duen ororekin hitz egin nahi dugu. Austrian gertatu zenaren antzeko zerbait da: hainbat enpresari elkartu ziren eztabaidatzeko eta hortik sortu zen mugimendua, baina hasierako ideia ez zen hori, Felberrek soilik liburu bat idatzi zuen. Gu bide beretik goaz.
“Saihestu egingo dira giza eskubideen, ordenamendu juridikoaren eta espetxeetako tratamendu psikosozialaren aurkako balioak eta jarrerak babestea, justifikatzea eta goratzea ekar dezaketen adierazpenak”, dio, besteak beste, agiriak. Azaroan Eusko Jaurlaritzako... [+]
Gogora Institutuak 1936ko Gerrako biktimen inguruan egindako txostenean "erreketeak, falangistak, Kondor Legioko hegazkinlari alemaniar naziak eta faxista italiarrak" ageri direla salatu du Intxorta 1937 elkarteak, eta izen horiek kentzeko eskatu du. Maria Jesus San Jose... [+]
Institutuko giza baliabideak hobetzeko eskatu dute irakasleek, ikasleei kalitatezko arreta eman ahal izateko. Kartelekin eta pankartekin itxaron diete irakasleek lehendakariari. Jaurlaritzako ordezkariek ikastetxeko zuzendaritzari esan diote ez zutela "horrelakorik... [+]
2025-2026 ikasturterako matrikulazio kanpaina hasi baino bi aste lehenago, Hezkuntza Saileko arduradunengana jo genuen, itunpeko eskoletako gelen ituntze maila ez delako egokitzen demografiaren jaitsierara eta indarrean dagoen lege esparrura.
Hiri gehienetan arazo orokorra... [+]
Mikel Jauregi Industria sailburuaren ustez, euskal enpresek “lan ona” egin dezakete Europaren “segurtasun estrategia babesten”. Eusko Jaurlaritzako bozeramaile Maria Ubarretxenak, berriz, berrarmatze asmoek “aukera berriak” ekar ditzaketela... [+]
ERNE, ESAN eta SIPErekin egin du akordioa Eusko Jaurlaritzak 2025-2028 aldirako. Besteak beste, urteko soldatan 4.200 euro gordineko igoera "graduala" izango du ertzain bakoitzak. Sindikatuen iturriek El Diario Vascori azaldu diotenez, akordioarekin Ertzaintza Espainiako... [+]
2025 amaitu baino lehen Gernikako Estatutuan jasotzen diren eskumen guztiak izatea espero du Jaurlaritzak. Oraindik 25 eskumen falta dira. Transferentzia Batzordea aurreko astean biltzekoa zen baina "agenda arazoak" zirela eta atzeratu zuten.
31 urteko emakume kolonbiarra osasun zentrora eraman ordez ertzain etxera eramatean agenteek "akatsa" egin zutela aitortu du Segurtasun sailburuak, baina azpimarratu du ez zuela "jipoirik" jaso.
Euskorpora elkartearen eta Euskorpus proiektuaren abiatzeak hautsak harrotu ditu. Pello Otxandiano EH Bilduko Eusko Legebiltzarreko oposizio buruak Euskorpusena akatsa dela uste du, "ezjakintasuna edo estrategia klientelarra". EH Bilduk galdera sorta egin du... [+]