A question that is on everyone's lips: What will be the response of the French State to the request of the Territorial Community which is forcefully disseminating the different social sectors of the North and elected officials of all trends? On 11 October, the Minister for Decentralisation, Lebranchu, received the delegation from the Basque Country, but did not clarify the matter.
The creation of an institution for the North is now objectively easier, although it is not guaranteed. Following the attitude of many social partners, the views of the electorate have also spread rapidly as the reflection of recent months progresses. Most believe that the existing arrangements to date have been overcome and that there are appropriate legal instruments in French law, without inventing something special. The Conference in Aiete has wiped out the pretext of the armed struggle that opened a new era. If we add to this scenario the intention of decentralization of the government, there is no doubt that we have been experiencing the best situation since 1981. But is it enough for something? The problem lies in the background to the challenges facing the economic crisis. Ipar Euskal Herria has little weight seen from Paris and also has a geopolitical dimension difficult to manage for a senior French office, which is not in Corsica or Brittany. Knowing Iparralde through an institution, is it not going to start the process uncontrollably, turning that small fragment of the French Republic into part of the entire Basque Country?
We must also see to what extent the Spanish Government will intervene. For years, Madrid has pressured France not to know Iparralde, convinced that it would be a surrender to terrorism. Today it seems to be going the same way. As soon as the Basque delegation left the office of the minister, Madrid has transferred its concerns to the French Ministry of the Interior, since, according to the report by EiTB, Lebranchu would have promised the delegation a Community Territorial.Al at the same time, the socialist leaders repeat that they want to make the French organisation more flexible and that institutional adjustments can be made
for territories. What is more, the French Government has agreed to bring all the institutions of Alsace together and does not rule out the possibility that institutional developments in Corsica or the historic territory of Brittany may be brought together. Will Ipar Euskal Herria be the only territory left unanswered? And despised again for being Basque their citizens?
Departamenduko Laborantza Ganbarako hauteskundeen kanpaina abiatu da. Urtarrilaren 14an bozetara aurkezten diren hiru sindikatuen ordezkariekin bi oreneko eztabaida sakona antolatu zuten Euskal Hedabideek, osoki euskaraz.
«Argizko idazkun digitalak debekatu» lelopean, Aturri aldeko Stop Pub kolektiboak bederatzi proposamen plazaratu ditu, Tokiko Publizitatearen Araudia eztabaidan delarik momentu honetan.
Jean René Etxegaraik Peio Etxeleku baztertu du Errobi lurraldeko arduretatik. Etxeleku Kanboko hautetsia eta EAJren Ipar Buru Batzarreko lehendakaria da. Joan den astean Hirigune Elkargoko buruak jakinarazi zuen poloko hamaika auzapezetatik seik galdegin ziotela... [+]
Zortzi atal, 27 proposamen. Hona Baterak Euskal Hirigune Elkargoaren gobernantzaren hobetzeko, Jean-René Etchegaray presidenteari eman dion txostena joan den larunbatean. Baterak, joanden irailetik eskualdeka, 16 herri desberdinetan bilkurak antolatu ditu oharren... [+]
Hautetsiak eta euskalgitzako eragileek osatu lan batzordeak ari dira norabide hauen lantzen, Beñat Arrabit, Euskal Elkargoko hizkuntz poltikarako arduradunak, Amikuzeko irratiaren estrenan azpimarratu daukun bezala.
ARGIAko egutegiari orri berri bat kendu nion agorrileko hamazazpian. Buruketa hau egitea proposatzen zuen: “Euskal Herriko Lurralde osoa hartzen duen administrazioari nola deitzen zaio?”
My head asked me to make an account back of the last days of vacation, so I removed a new sheet from the ARGIA calendar on August seventeen. He proposed the following problem: “What is the name of the administration that covers the entire territory of the Basque... [+]
Goizean goizetik hasi da ETAren armagabetzea, epizentro politikoa Baionan dutela. ARGIAn egunaren jarraipena egiten ari gara bertatik bertara.
Urtarrilaren 23an egingo da Euskal Elkargoaren lehen bilera Baionan. Lapurdi, Nafarroa Beherea eta Zuberoako herriak batzen dituen lehen instituzioa da.
Iparraldeko Herri Elkargoa urtarrilean abian jarriko da. Pirinio Atlantikoetako Eric Morvan prefetak egitasmoa behin betiko ebatzi du. Udalerri bakoitzak Elkargoko Kontseiluan izanen duen eserleku kopurua zehaztu du halaber.
HELEPa eraikitzearen aurkako helegitea jarri dutenek egoera larria sorrarazi dute Bateraren ustez