Every time I've interviewed a woman, I've always asked her about her condition as a woman.
Naturally, women are a species to which we must ask about their femininity, as men are also asked about their virility. It is a pity that Laura Mintegi did not attach importance to her candidate for lehendakari being a woman.
Oh, because we were a woman, we had to vote for Laura Mintegi!
Not necessarily, just like they didn't vote because Obama was black. But it has an important value; the normal thing, because the candidate for lehendakari has to be a man.
In your case it is justified to ask for femininity, you are a technician of equality. Now you ask him to justify his profession.
While public money is unevenly distributed, while men receive more resources, the justification is unbeatable.
But can the technique of equality be a radical feminist? Shouldn't it be the difference?
Feminists in general are devious. The androcentric, misogynistic, misogynistic system seems radical to no one. Critical thinking gets a bad name. And for society to be more egalitarian, freer, fairer, we have to change radically.
The most tragic thing is that when we talk about women, we always have to talk about violence.
It is a structural violence, a woman who is in a situation of subordination from birth. There is no one who dies except the machist violence. When is an anti-male law?
Difficult, if the goal is to maintain a system of power.
Women must stay in a place, in the private space, without rights, housewives. Control is established very effectively through fear.
Some people think that genuine violence against women is prostitution.
To end prostitution, you have to end marriage earlier. The point is that women have a field of power with sexuality. And my friends, prostitutes have taught me more than college.
It was said by a feminist like Amaia Montero: sometimes, when women say no, all they want is to see how far man wants to go.
To Amaia Montero, the world's rapist, who says yes whenever she says no!
Lower, because you'll be heard at ETB.
I've been working on the street for 19 years. It comes out once on the TV and everyone sees you. It has a dark side, but I attach too much importance to political and social change to turn it into a celebrity.
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