They don't have a rule book or a deontological code. A fanzine shows things as they are, often raw and with ink to the litter, after having started the copier and the stapler with force. But it is up to them that part of the reality, that is to say, the subsurface, in which often there is what the usual media do not count.
The Panic Turn has been immersed in the so-called counterculture for ten years. Taking punk and hardcore as the axis, they've released 21 numbers throughout this period of time. Among the fanzines, it is not usual the time it takes to live, 10 years, or the number of published publications, 21 numbers. But for Gotzon Hermosilla, who has been concerned about the continuity of these years, “it is done because they like”.
Organized by the Gaztetxe de Azpeitia. The latest issue published for Fanzine Eguna refers to punk and hardcore groups of Euskal Herria, such as Porco Bravo, Humilitate or Disastrozombies. Also those outside. For example, All for Nothing, Dead World, White Lung, Ten O Sevens and UX Vielheads. They complete the interview that Madrid Dani Marco has conducted with Buzzcocks.
In the reports and dossiers, it is worth mentioning the article that explains the relationship between Skate and punk movement. Also under the title of Winter Barracks, a work that refers to houses and residences that have been significant in the punk era. “For example, Fun House, the bathroom owned by Michigan’s The Stooges group,” explains Hermosilla. Also other squat. To mention the most significant in Euskal Herria, the Bunker of Barakaldo and the Buenavista of Donostia”.
The cover is an image made by the comic bird in tribute to Porco Bravo, who died in a traffic accident. Most of the covers are made by her, as highlighted by Hermosilla, a member of Izu Giro, “Txori is very creative, comicant and a good friend.”
This fanzine who works in the counterculture of the punk hardcore is the only one that is made in Euskera, and that is why Hermosilla tells us that they have to be opened: “We try to encompass the field of punk and hardcore movements as broad as possible. The trend of the fanzines of recent years has been specialization. Some fanzines speak of hardcore, but of a certain form of hardcore. Oh! There's a lot of motion fanzines, for example. But we try to be broader. On the one hand, because he is the only fanzine entirely in Euskera, and on the other, because we are also very open in terms of styles.”
The journalist tells us that in the last two years many new fanzines have been created in Euskal Herria, despite the fact that the time of blogs has been the protagonist. “It seemed that with the creation of the blog, the e-cinema and the Internet it was the paper fanzine, but it has not been so. Despite the support, the important thing is the content and information, and in that sense, it seems to us that it is still charming to have the paper fanzine in hand or go to a concert and sell fanzines”.
The song Climate of Fur (Izu Giro) by the California Lewd group was chosen by Gotzon Hermosilla as the title of the publication he edited in 2002. “I really liked the song, I thought it was a powerful name.” On the other hand, Izu Giro has a space for criticism and irony, as is the case of the jewel of Joseina Etxepastilla. “We always try to provoke people. The fanzines are for that, for irony and criticism. The removal of these add-ons would not be the same. He wouldn't be a fanzine."
According to Hermosilla, punk and hardcore Do it yourself are in full philosophy. “Everything is voluntary work, nobody charges anything, and fanzine, after all, is the prolongation of one of our hobbies. In any case, I believe that the complement to the philosophy of Do it yourself should be a collaboration. You have to combine both concepts, you have to do it yourself, but you also have to drive collaboration. That’s why we’ve always tried to attract collaborators from different areas.” In this sense, the photographers Alberto Irazu (Gaztezulo), Juke Box and Santi Manterola will perform the work of Dani F live. Marco, Aitor Apurtu or Xabier Sagardia (Entzun!) They consider them as occasional collaborators. “This network, although slightly ethereal, enriches fanzine.”
The circulation of the Spin of Terror is usually between 200 and 300 copies, with 52 photocopied pages in exchange for 2 euros. “We’ve done up to 60 pages, but from there the stapler doesn’t staple,” we spy Hermosilla. Being in Euskera, it is distributed mainly in bars and gaztetxes of the Basque Country, “but we try to go out as well. For example, it is sent to the interviewed groups and other fanzines in Europe and EE.UU. It is curious, it is a little known fanzine in Spain, but then we have received very positive criticisms. In the fanzines of Germany and the United States, there seems to be less prejudice. That surprises us and we pride ourselves” continued the head of Izu Giro. However, “one of our purposes is to make a monograph or a compilation, translating the interviews we have published in English and Spanish, looking outward”.
At the beginning of the year, the concert of Mostros and NCC celebrated the 10th anniversary of fanzine, but Gotzon Hermosilla does not rule out celebrating another concert with the same excuse. Maybe at the end of the year. “We enter the underground area and usually engage with other fanzines or hardcore and punk music groups. And even if fanzine is in Euskera, the Basque country has no news of us, because our area is another. Unfortunately, the underground and Euskalgintza seem to be two extreme areas, and we would like to make a bridge between those two worlds. We have been on the street for 10 years, making a fanzine in Euskera, and many Euskaldunes have no news of us, surely it has also been our mistake.”
Euskalgintzak Senpereko Larraldea etxea faltan botako du. Uda gabe, Bertsularien lagunak, bertan gelditzen den azken elkarteak, lekuz aldatuko du eta etxea hetsiko dute. Euskararen, euskal kulturaren eta arteen ohantzea izan da Larraldea, urte luzetan Andoni Iturrioz mezenasak... [+]
Berrogei urte dira Euskal Herrian autismoaren inguruko lehen azterketak eta zerbitzuak hasi zirela. Urte hauetan asko aldatu da autismoaz dakiguna. Uste baino heterogeneoagoa da. Uste baino ohikoagoa. Normalagoa.
Txinparta izeneko prozesua Martxoaren 21ean hasiko da eta urte bete iraungo du. "Udaberriaren hasierarekin batera proiektu herritar berri bat" aurkeztu nahi dutela adierazi dute.
PP, Vox, Junts eta EAJren botoekin Espainiako Kongresuak onartu du otsoa espezie babestuen zerrendatik ateratzea eta, horren ondorioz, berriz ehizatu ahal izango dute Duero ibaitik iparrera.
Protestak 24 ordu bete dituenean, suhiltzaileak bertaratu dira udaletxera eta kateak moztu dizkiete bi gazteei. Bi kateatuek gaua bertan igarotzea "udaletxearen hautua" izan dela adierazi du Gazte Asanbladak, eta udalaren ordezkariek "ekintza deslegitimatzeko eta bi... [+]
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Antropozentrismoaren aldaera traketsena eurozentrismoa izan zen. Europako mendebaldea, geografikoki, Kontinente Euroasiarraren penintsula txiki bat besterik ez da, baina lau mende luzez gertaera demografiko, teknologiko eta ideologiko batzuk zirela medio, bazter horretako... [+]
Hezkuntza eredu propioa "ezinbestean" independentziatik etorri behar dela adierazi dute, eta sistema propio hori "publikoa eta komunitarioa" izatea nahi dutela. Ikamak deituta, goizean zehar piketeak egin dituzte Euskal Herriko hainbat hezkuntza zentroetan.
Euskal Pilotako Nazioarteko Federazioaren eta Espainiako Federazioaren arteko gatazkak bere horretan jarraitzen duen bitartean, Jose Manuel Rodriguez Uribesek euskal selekzioaren aldeko adierazpenak egin ditu. Desadostasunak direla eta, Nazioarteko Pilota Federazioaren eta... [+]
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