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Metalaren estalpean konposatzea

  • Eraso! : Ez gara inoiz hilko

    Bonberenea ekintzak

    iraupena ::42´58´´

    prezioa ::10€

Ez genuen Zarauzko taldearen itzulera espero, baina aitortu digute denbora honetan erritmo lasaiagoan entseatzen aritu direla eta ez dutela taldea hiltzen utzi. Eta azkenaldi honetan baxu jotzailea Barricadarekin partekatzen dute. Eraso! metalaren koordenadatan mugitu da beti. Alabaina, rockerako hurbilketa ere izan da taldearen marka, eta honakoan joera hori areagotu dela esango nuke. Metal melodikoa leku handiagoa hartzen ari bada ere, eskola zaharreko thrasha ez da erabat ezkutatu, ezta metal pisutsu modernoagoa ere. Baina bada gaur bertan sailkatzeko zailtasunak ematen dituen Gaur ez bada bihar moduko pieza ezohikorik, edo balada, rock gogorra eta stonerra ezkontzeko gai den Malkoa, besteak beste. Oraingoan, inoiz baino nabarmenago, inorekin ez dela ezkontzen erakutsi du laukoteak.
"Sentiberatasuna eta gogortasuna batuta, kantek indar eta sinesgarritasun handiagoa dute"

Sergio, ahots erregistro desberdin asko erabili dituzu, batzuk orain arte ezohikoak...

Beti jolastu nahi izan dut erregistro desberdinekin. Eraso!-k ez du metal edo rock arloan talde askok egiten duten bezala ahots bakarrarekin jolasten. Gure ustez, hitzekin jolastuta, sentiberatasuna eta gogortasuna batuta, indar eta sinesgarritasun haundiagoa ematen da. Baina egia da oraingoan gehiago esperimentatu dudala ahots eta koroekin, baita bigarren eta hirugarren ahotsekin ere. Begirada berezia ematen dio diskoari.

“Lurraren eta uraren artean, bien arteko eremuan”. Hanka bat metalean eta bestea rockean daukazue. Oreka zaila da?

Gauza berriak probatu nahi genituen, gure bost diskoak desberdinak dira eta inoiz ez gara mugimendu baten barruan egon. Rock zaleentzat metaleroak gara eta metaleroentzat arraroak edo rockeroak, baina gure filosofia eta izaera metalean daude.

Disko honetako tempoa pausatuagoa da. Hala irten da?

Baliteke pausatuagoa izatea baina disko guztietan erabili izan ditugu horrelako tempoak. Hala ere, disko honetan badira inoiz erabili ditugun pasarterik azkarrenak ere. Ez dugu nahita egin, horrela atera dira kantuak.

Gauza asko aldatuta ikusi dituzue musika eszenan, itzulera honetan?

Kontzertu eza. Lehen askoz ere kontzertu gehiago egiten ziren, gaur egun ez dago horrelako eskaintza zabala. Gaur egun rocka ez da hain arriskutsua gazteentzat. Eta jende gutxiago hurbiltzen dela kontzertuak ikustera. Hori ere ikusi dugu.

“Argazkia” zeharo aldentzen da metaletik, eta rock alternatiboan kokatuta ikusten dut.

Rock alternatiboa asko gustatu zaigu. Gure eraginetako bat da. Eroso sentitzen gara horrelako gauza desberdinak egiten. Gure jarraitzaileek ere badakite Eraso!-k nahi duen kantua egin dezakeela bere eskematik aldenduta. Horrelako kantek diskoa aberasten dute.

Goya Awards and Various Things to Say (No)
A large number of Basque citizens have been recognized by the Spanish film academy at the Goya Awards, which took place last weekend. In the second part of the article, we will highlight some of the issues that have given a lot to talk about.

Trump announces 25% tariffs on steel and aluminum
Donald Trump has announced that he will impose tariffs of 25% on steel and aluminum that imports the United States. It does not specify when the measure will enter into force.

Hamas and Israel hold fifth prisoner exchange
Three weeks after the ceasefire came into effect, Hamas released a total of 21 hostages, while Israel released 730. Israel’s president, Isaac Herzog, denounced the images of Israeli hostages as “an example of a crime against humanity.”

DBZ organizes a national boycott day against Carrefour
The Boycott, Divestments and Sanctions campaign, extended in solidarity with Palestinian society, has called for "national reconciliation" on February 15 at five Carrefour shopping centers in the Southern Basque Country.

UPV Professor Investigated for Spreading “Fascist” Messages Denounces Identity Substitution in Networks
"Until the matter is clarified, the teacher will not return to the campus," said the rector, Joxerramón Bengoetxea, adding that a "mediation" has been launched to investigate what has happened and see what to do about it. Iñigo Ugedo, President of the UPV/EHU Student Council, has... [+]

EH Bila reaches out to the PNV and the Confederal Left to form joint lists with a view to Spain and Europe
It is possible to have a "minimum common program of broad consensus" at the base, says EH Bil. It will prioritize the formation of joint lists in the Spanish and European elections, taking the form of the New Citizen Front of the French State.

Hundreds of people in Bilbao demand the halt of the Ibaip motorway project
It has been denounced that the project initiated by the Provincial Council of Bizkaia does not respond to "the real needs of the population", Subfluvial NO! Called the platform. Instead of building highways, it has been said that institutions should promote public transport.

Joaquín Beltrán and Alberto Sololuze commemorate five years after the Zaldibargo landfill disaster
In addition to remembering the two employees, they have demanded responsibilities in the event held by Zaldibar Luz on Sunday in Eitzaga. They denounce the slowness of the justice system, since the summary is still in the stage of investigation.

“The City Council is illegally denying the census to the most disadvantaged people”
The initiative No Being Without a Census published two internal documents of the City Council of Vitoria-Gasteiz on 30 January. It includes restrictive criteria for registration in the municipality, “unfair and illegal”, according to the agent, to the detriment of the most... [+]

2025-02-10 | Behe Banda
Bar Warros |
Bring up the topic

Sometimes I don't know if it's too much. That we're eating a pipe, that we're talking about anything else, that we're bringing it up. We like to speak aloud, to leave almost no pause, to cover the voices, to throw a bigger one. Talk about each one of them, each one of them, what we... [+]

2025-02-10 | Hala Bedi
[Hala video] The cry for Palestine and against Israel sounded loudly on Friday in Vitoria
Hundreds of people mobilised to condemn the Israeli team Maccabi Tel Aviv’s performance in Vitoria-Gasteiz. Baskonia’s leadership has been criticized for its contribution to the “normalization of the State of Israel.”

Save the children, sell the bombs

Pilar Calcada is part of the Cedars group. On January 15th, the group called to take advantage of the “excellent opportunity” that will exist in the coming years to boost the arms industry, in an ostentatious event that resonated a lot. According to the study of the... [+]

2025-02-10 | Amanda Verrone
Decolonize the land of the Basque Country:
Basque is agroecological
This is how we put an end to the working group on decolonization, in the framework of the meetings “Embodying ecofeminisms in the Basque Country” that took place last November in Arraya-Maezú (Álava). It was the refuge of various expressions of the defense of the... [+]

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