Melody: Bogart and Bilintx
It was time, it was time, we are in luck, at last in the
Gasteiz Parliament there
are all the options!See if the
Basques join in favour of the Basque People, what they promise
without seminars from behind and
without pride of
belonging to a party.
It is not true that they have heard many times
about the elections:
Urkullu and López are mere
political machines, Mintegi
has not explained how to achieve
The one who best speaks here is
Antonio Basagoiti; better if all he
says are mentiras.Los
strange slogans and the choruses have not been heard little:What he said “Euskadi go forward”
has not discovered anything; “if you don’t go, they expire”, has understood how he wants and
has not promised solutions...
It will only
bring solutions.
XV. Cup Championship
Where: In the gaztetxe Hiruputzu (Zarautz)
When: 22 December
Oblique: Aner Peritz, Oier Aizpurua, Alaia Martin, Jexux Mari Irazu, Etxahun Lekue, Aitor Bizkarra, Eneritz Artetxe, Maider Arrangi, Joanes Illarregi and Oihana Arana.
... [+]
Danel Goikolea Arrasateko bertsolaria urtarrilaren 14an joan da. Hil baino ordu batzuk lehenago, bertso sorta kantatu hau zabaldu zuen lagunen artean. Umore handia darabil eta Pablo Milanesen Yolanda kantu ezagunaren hoskidetasunarekin jolasten du: Holanda du izenburu sortak,... [+]