If switching from journalism to politics is not changing the trench...
Change the trench? When I asked questions before and now I answer them, I'm the same thing. I have not changed mindsets or principles.
What does not change mentality and principles has a short path in politics.
Politics at any given moment in history should be a tool for finding consensual and just answers to the main nodes of a society, not a theater that sells us in disguise of imposition, denial and frivolity.
Listen, respect for the performing arts.
The dominant political caste is afraid of real debate and turns the spotlight on insults and accusations so as not to remain in the stern. Since when have we not seen a real political debate on television? I've forgotten ... I don't know if we've ever seen it.
So, on election nights, don't everybody win?
Another reflection of frivolity. The results are results, the numbers don't lie, and although each one positive their readings, when will they understand that people aren't stupid?
Maybe when you explain to me why pacts are possible on the eve of the elections?
Because false messages predominate in this forward-looking policy. To disguise the suit of political falsehood, we have to build avenues for citizen participation and empowerment beyond vote every four years.
Empowerment and citizen participation will not be a manifestation every weekend, or?
When we say politics, we say herrigintza: a people who build themselves, a people where citizens are actors. There will never be a lack of reasons for the answer, the anger and the claim. It is up to us to devise appropriate forms of mobilisation.
It is so schizophrenic that it has been illegal until yesterday and that tomorrow it is about to govern the Ertzaintza!
It gives us respect but not fear. We'll breathe when the illegalization phase is completely overcome, but that doesn't mean we're going to fall into comfort. We are looking forward to promoting change and impact on issues of direct impact on Basque citizenship.
Yes, yes, but as the other said, without the PNV there is no independence and with the PNV neither.
Instead of the forms of politics that prioritize acronyms and parties, we have to work on a policy based on country building. At the moment, the only thing that is clear is that without the social majority there is no independence. We have to have a majority.
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