In the previous issue of light 2339.enean, the former juntero and former deputy general of Gipuzkoa Markel Olano spoke to us about powering: “The reading we Euskaldunes do is that when we communicate in Euskera, dust rises. For example, if in the press conference you make the communication professional only in Euskera, for him it is an attack, he realizes that he lacks something professionally”.
The language policy measures implemented by the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa have also had a similar impact. The list and quality of the steps taken is long – among other things, 49,234 Gipuzkoans and 643 companies have asked to dedicate themselves exclusively to Basque with the Treasury. However, once again, the corners have been mixed in the press conferences, where they have explained how languages will work.
Although the group of experts does not complete it, in the ETB2 TV show tertulia No more and no less could be seen that each one understands the normalization of the Basque Country as he wants. To begin with, presenter Klaudio Landa did not quite explain the issue: it is not the same to say that the Council has decided that from now on the press conferences will be held only in Basque, or that in the press conferences the Basque will have priority and that journalists who do not understand the Basque language will have a simultaneous translation service. We heard a lot of stupidity from some of the interlocutors – one of whom felt that the measure for press conferences was an alibi – and others did their best to support the Member’s decision. What I liked the most was Arkaitz de Muxika, who, behind the phone, unlike the Tertullians of the plató, gave very nice explanations without wasting time and with respect. We often cannot understand how to argue with words what we have in our hearts, although we are aware that we are asking for justice and we know that the attack is going to be relentless and absurd.
We need language courses.
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