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"Rock&Rolla norberari ipurtzuloan jartzen zaiona egitea da"

  • The Uski's ::Tximinotan


    iraupena ::37´13´´

    prezioa ::11€

Elantxobe eta Ibarrangeluko kideek ipurtzuloan jartzen zaiena egiten jarraitzen dute, eta batzuentzat proposamena arinegia bada ere, beraiek polbora asmatzearen kontra daude uretan busti eta indarra galduko luketelako. Horregatik rock and roll klasiko eta zuzenenaren alde egiten dute. Itsasoko giroari lotutako laugarren diskoa dugu eta Beach Boysen trazako surf-rock arina lehen baino gutxiago ageri da (“Domeka blues” salbuespen dotorea surf-rockeroagoa da). Horren ordez, balada rockeroak, punk-rocka, countrya, pop-rocka, 50ko hamarkadako rock and rolla eta hasierako Hertzainak-en pareko bizitasuna duten kantuak batu dituzte hitz lotsagabeekin. Iraganean rock and rolla ondo pasatzea, munduaz barre egitea eta mutiletan zein nesketan ibiltzea bazen, hauek denbora gelditzea nahi dute.
"Melodia da musikan garrantzitsuena, hitzak gehigarria dira"

Sasoi batean rock and rollak errebeldia adierazi nahi zuen. Zuen rock and rollak zer adierazi nahi du?

Errebeldia garaiek edo aroek behartzen duten zerbait da eta garai bakoitzean musika estilo batekin lotzen da. 1950eko hamarkada bukaeran rock and rollari egokitu zitzaion, 70ekoan punka izan zen. Rock and Rolla gorputzean eta ariman sentitzen den astindua da, alaia, dibertigarria, hori da guk bilatzen duguna.

Gaur egun galbidean badago ere, melodiak eta koroak zaintzeari garrantzia ematen diozue…

Melodia da musikan garrantzitsuena, hitzak gehigarria dira, ez dira beharrezkoak.

Orain talde gehiagok abesten dute bizkaieraz, baina zuek lehenetarikoak izan zineten. batuaren/gipuzkeraren diktaduraren kontra?
Gatibu gure aurretik zebilen bizkaieraz (Gernikeraz). Ez gaude ezerren kontra. Zalantzan izan ginen gazteleraz edo euskaraz, baina euskara aukeratzean, gure euskaran izan behar zen.

“Hondartzako soinuetatik itsasokoak lantzera” pasa zaretela diozue. Ez dago beldurrik itsaso zabalean sartzeko?

Itsasoan jaio eta bizi gara, gure ama da, ondo ezagutzen dugu, errespetatu egiten dugu, maite dugu. Surfaren inguruko gaietatik aldenduz goaz eta portua gehiago ageri da orain.

“Ilargijek antza gaurko topau deu bikotie”. Egunerokotasunean eta gauerokotasunean inspiratzen zarete hitz hain ganberroak idazteko? Autobiografikoak dira?

Asko bai, beste batzuk ez, kasu honetan oso. Egunero bizitzen diren istorio txikietatik, bai dibertigarriak direlako, edo maitasunezkoak, edo ganberrada hutsak direlako, beti atera daitezke gaiak.

Sakonean rock and roll taldeak ligatzeko egiten ziren. Zuen hitzetan neskak barra-barra ageri dira eta hainbat disko daramazue, baina ligatzen duzue?

Batzuek besteok baino gehiago. Egia da agertokira igotzeak, berez, lana aurrezten duela, baina ez da hori helburua, beti.

A probe passes successfully near the Sun
The NASA Parker probe has reached 6.1 million kilometers away on the first approximation to the surface of the Sun in its mission. It has thus become the closest artificial object to the history of the Sun. It has passed at a speed of 692,000 kilometers per hour, and the data... [+]

Kultur transmisioa feminismotik zikloa izanen dute asteburuan Beran

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Twenty groups support the struggle for the lands of Marienia
The agency Bouygues Realimmobilier already has a housing construction project in the area of Marienia, in Kanbo. Through a joint declaration, they have expressed their "determination" to carry out the struggle to achieve "denial of the project" through "collaboration" and the... [+]

Death of a worker in Amorebieta, company Forest Trafic SL
The 41-year-old I.P.C. worker died on 30 December in the industrial estate of Boroa, when he was carrying out the warehouse inventory. The trade unions ELA and LAB, as well as the Department of Security of the Basque Government, have reported on the traffic accident.

Handle and corset

For pedagogical or methodological reasons, historians tend to fragment and divide historical periods of the past into deadlines. There are traditional times that we all know (Prehistory, Antiquity, Middle Ages, Modern and Contemporary Ages), but also several sub-ages.

These... [+]

2025-01-02 | Leire Ibar
They investigate the events in New Orleans and Las Vegas in the United States. United States as a "terrorist attack"
The authorities do not rule out that the two events may be interrelated and do not rule out a case. In New Orleans, a truck driver has faced a crowd that has caused 15 deaths and 35 injuries, the Department of Security has reported. Hours later, in Las Vegas, at the height of... [+]

Court orders to reopen the case of another person injured in the eye in the Real-PSG party
In the charges made by the Ertzaintza before the San Sebastian football match in March 2024, in addition to the amateur Amaya Zabarte, a second person was injured, apparently by a visual impact with a foam ball. Now, the Provincial Court of Gipuzkoa has also ordered the... [+]

2025-01-02 | Leire Ibar
The International Football Federation denies the accusations of the Spanish Football Federation
The Spanish Basque Ball Federation has denounced that it has not been allowed to participate in the National Congress of the International Ball Federation last weekend. At that meeting, the recognition of the Basque federation as a full member of the international community... [+]

Palestinian National Authority Closes Al-Jazeera Headquarters in the West Bank
The Palestinian National Authority (ANP) has taken the decision to "temporarily" prohibit the spread of Al-Jazeera because it "favors sedition". The media has regretted that the bread "has aligned with Israel", making it clear that it will continue to work in journalism "over threats... [+]

Ukraine leaves eastern Europe without Russian gas, broken with Gazprom
The Government of Volodymyr Zelensky has not renewed its contract with Gazprom and, on Wednesday morning, the Russian company has suspended the flow of gas to supply eastern Europe.

Eraikiz kolektiboa: “Gizonok matxismoaren aurrean ardurak hartzeko unea iritsi da”

Ander Magallon, Mikel Irure eta Xabier Jauregi Metropoli Forala saioan egon dira maskulinitate berrien inguruan mintzatzen.


2024-12-31 | Julene Flamarique
Durangués Guillermo Merino, released after serving 24 years in prison
Merino was arrested in 2001 and has been dispersed, having spent much of his sentence in prisons outside the Basque Country in "difficult" conditions. Now, he has regained freedom.

2024-12-31 | Leire Ibar
Prices will rise with the new year
With the beginning of the new year, there will be rises in the prices of the different services and products of the company. There are significant increases in food prices, energy bills, municipal taxes and housing costs.

2024-12-31 | ARGIA
On 11 April the Aberri Eguna unitario, convened by Euskal Herria Bat
The Kursaal of Donostia-San Sebastian will welcome an act to claim that Euskal Herria is a nation and not a Basque people. It is a series of activities lasting one week.

Eguneraketa berriak daude