Sorry Mikel, I thought you would come with Patxo Telleria...
No, it has not come, but it has done its job. As always, the script has passed me: all the answers of this interview; and I have brought them very well learned.
As good actors.
Well, maybe I'll improvise a little bit. As usual.
Both of you will be pioneers of real partnerships.
We want to, but we don't get to the partner. A couple of guys! at most.
You are right, but you cannot complain: We take it out in the Patxo Character section, while you take it out in the Devil's Advocacy.
I don't complain at all. I prefer the devil to an angelite without sex and without salt. Thank you very much.
I read it in that interview: “Groucho Marx was in any situation Groucho, and Mikel is always Mikel.” I had no idea what I meant.
That I'm framed in genius.
All right, but the actors with the stamp don't know what they are: genials or very useless.
Obviously, they're the post-actors.
You do theater at the expense of the Basque and the Basque, as the media of the far right.
What we say would be painful in the mouth of an antivasco, but fun and healthy in the mouth of an Euskaldun.
The issue is, moreover, an inexhaustible source: you will already be on your way to completing decalogy.
We can get up to 40. We've just done the trilogy room, so we only need 36 plays: it's licking.
And the one who is learning a language that serves little, what? Laughing at yourself...
Yes, we laugh at us: It's a shame! And we realize that Euskera, among other things (ligar...), serves to laugh a lot.
Now you'll tell me that humor serves to drive out collective delusions and all that.
I'll give you an exclusive one. Beware! “Humor serves to drive out collective delusions and all that pumpkin.”
It's a very nice theory, but explain it to those who mock.
Sometimes you have to explain a slap to the person who receives the joke to cut off hysterical laughter.
That poor man is a real super Basque!
The super Basque is any Basque, even if it is recent – as I do – and therefore very sweet.
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