In Bermeo, the use of the Basque Country has fallen markedly, and unfortunately, particularly among young people. It seems that the same has happened in Andoain. What to say in Álava. Despite the fact that the population of this country has declared itself Euskaldun, and the increase in the number of bilingual people, the young people who speak Basque have fallen to 7%. The data from Bilbao are a good example of this. This disappointing trend is, unfortunately, of all countries: the Basque country has fallen into use.
It is undeniable that the Basque Country is progressively expanding to all areas and areas. Not everything we want, not at the speed we want. The Basque Country therefore seems institutionalised (this is ridiculous! ), which in practice has become an academic language (Euskaltzaindia dixit). Inserted in education, it seems that our young people have the ability to live in Basque in a comfortable and normal way. No, ladies and gentlemen! All this is nothing more than a lie. Our young people are “forced” to speak in Basque (do it in Basque, please! ). No, I'm not kidding! There will be those who make it conscious (when languages are a problem of conscience, bad! They are not natural), but I think that awareness comes late. Unfortunately, they regard Euskera as a language that must be made in closed and closed spaces – in schools – but when they feel liberated, it is a tendency to use a language that does not “force” children, Spanish. Spanish is not the language imposed on them and they find this territory more attractive, more fascinating, and therefore opt for it, without remorse of conscience. Because they are able to do what everybody talks about. But the most worrying thing is the age of the boys and girls who make the leap into the Spanish world. It is increasingly early to speak in Spanish.
Between 9-10 years.
The street is a free space, a comfortable Castilian walk. What should also be the Basque (“Euskera will not be lost...”). And until we have been able to change this perception of our young people, the Basque Country will never make the path of normalization, language normal and ubiquitous, cease to be a topic of debate and become an instrument of communication.
And the only solution I see is to achieve national sovereignty. And I guess this won't be enough either.
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