Oscar Pistorius was born in South Africa 25 years ago, without peroneal. At eleven months, his legs were cut and six months later he was put on a prosthesis.
Pistorius has come to participate in the Olympic Games and the Olympic Games. How? Two carbon fibre prostheses, specifically prepared by an Icelandic company. The prosthetics, called Cheetah, have managed to emulate fragments of legs below the knee. The functions of our legs have been fulfilled and crampons have been placed under our feet to be glued to the earth. In the case of Pistorius, the prestigious Nike sports house was allowed to determine the number and location of the crampons.
The longer the prosthesis, the more strength it brings to the user. That is why the International Olympic Committee (IOC) has had to limit the length of prostheses depending on the size of the body itself.
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