Turkey will today judge 44 Kurdish journalists for their alleged membership or link with the Kurdistan Communities Union (KCK), an organisation allegedly related to the PKK in Turkey. The Prosecutor ' s Office is seeking seven to twenty-two years ' imprisonment for the defendants, the Prosecutor ' s Office has reported. As evidence, books found by the police have been presented in the homes of the detainees, as well as photos of their participation in demonstrations in defence of Kurdistan, although these demonstrations were followed as reporters.
On 10 September, the trial began against 44 journalists, of whom 36 have been in pre-trial detention since December. The meeting resumed later than planned, as the defendants tried to speak in Kurdish, until the judge banned them from doing so. “The use of your mother tongue is like breathing. Do you have to ask for permission to breathe?” asked journalist Yuksel Genc.
Human rights groups have said that this trial is an attempt by the Turkish Government to intimidate the press and punish pro-Kurdish activists.
Most of the journalists to be tried in the Court of Appeal are from Azadiya Welat. He has been on the street for more than 20 years, has been shut down several times and 30 journalists have been killed in the city centre. Karlos Zurutuza Argia collaborator was with them in 2008 (No. 2.165). ): “A humble soup of letters can be silly for many, but for the Kurds it is of great importance in every sense,” a writer said on that occasion. Argia.com shows a diaporama titled Risk Journalism about the situation in the newspaper. http://bit.ly/PdVJTP
Roj TV, which broadcasts from Brussels, will also be tried in the Court
of Cassation of the Kurdish television network.
It has become the main reference of more than 40 million Kurds in the world. You can also see a diaporama about this media on the web: The voice of the Kurds from the heart of Europe under the title.
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