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Urriko hitzorduaren harira

Zalantza uxatua da. Urriaren 21ean izango da hitzordua, aparteko ezaugarriak dituena. Aro politiko berrian Euskadi mailako lehenengo hauteskundeak izango dira. Gainera, gauzak argituz doaz azkeneko denboran, nahitaez, batzuen elastikoak mugak ezagutu dituela. Egia da apartheid aurretik sentsibilitate politiko guztiek zeukatela hauteskundeetan parte hartzeko aukera; baina egoera guztiz berria da, aroan arokoa, ezkerreko subiranistak bilduta aurkeztea esparru horretako hitzordura, iazko maiatzean hasitako hitzorduen sekuentziari bide estrategikoan beharrezko segida emateko. Funtsezkoa zait gogoratzea Euskal Herria Zutik ebazpenarekin gauzatu zela ezinbesteko inflexioa. Politika ulertu eta egiteko bestelako moduaz jabetzeaz gain, aldaketak eragiteko hiru esparru zehaztu ziren han, instituzionala, mobilizazioena eta ideologikoa; hiru, eta hirurak, uztarrian. Ezin ahaztuzkoa da hori, oraingoan urriko hitzorduaz aritu arren.

Euskal Herrian aldaketak behar ditugu, asko eta askotarikoak, marko politikoan eta sozio-ekonomikoan, bietan aldi berean, nahiz eta bide-orrian tarteko helmuga diferenteak izan espazioan eta denboran. Baina hau da, nire ustez, aro berria bultzatzean ikasitako ikasgai handia, aldaketek trantsizioa behar dute, eta trantsizioak aldeko baldintzak. Hortaz, aldeko baldintza berriak sortu eta lehendik zirenak sendotu behar ditu EH Bilduk, pedagogiaz eta sinesgarritasunaz, ikuspegi politiko-teknikoan beraz, eta sortze-sendotze horretan urriko hitzordua funtsezkoa da. Markoak aldatzeko baldintzak berez ditugula pentsatzeak, are gehiago, historikoak direla usteak, esparru ideologikoaren beharra areagotu egiten du, falazietan jausiko ez bagara, behintzat.

Kontua ez da urriko horretan zikloz aldatzea, norabideaz aldatzea baizik. Honetara dator baldintzena, hitzordu horrek Euskal Herri osoan urtetako eremu sozio-politikoa markatuko duelako, eta ez naiz ikuspegi instituzional hutsetik begiratzen ari. Norabide berritik fronteen eskema zaharkitu interesatua gainditu beharra dago, gizartearen sektore zabaletan aldeko baldintza berriak sortze aldera. Eskema horren aurrean, konfrontazioan, ereduen eskema jarri behar da, marko politikoan eta sozio-ekonomikoan eragin nahi ditugun aldaketen eremua aulkitik ez ezik kaletik eta burutik defendatuz. Burujabetza gehiengo baten behar gisa aurkeztu behar dugu, boterearen gertutasuna lehenetsiz.

2024-12-31 | Julene Flamarique
Durangués Guillermo Merino, released after serving 24 years in prison
Merino was arrested in 2001 and has been dispersed, having spent much of his sentence in prisons outside the Basque Country in "difficult" conditions. Now, he has regained freedom.

2024-12-31 | Leire Ibar
Prices will rise with the new year
With the beginning of the new year, there will be rises in the prices of the different services and products of the company. There are significant increases in food prices, energy bills, municipal taxes and housing costs.

2024-12-31 | ARGIA
On 11 April the Aberri Eguna unitario, convened by Euskal Herria Bat
The Kursaal of Donostia-San Sebastian will welcome an act to claim that Euskal Herria is a nation and not a Basque people. It is a series of activities lasting one week.

2024-12-31 | ARGIA
Death of the Basque Gasteiztarra Gontzal Fontaneda
The Euskaltzale and Gasteiztarra militant died on Thursday, 30 December, in an accident at work. Gontzal Fontaneda Orille (1943-2024) was a witness and travelling companion of the Basque country in Vitoria in the 1960s. She began to learn Basque at the age of 15. He invented a... [+]

Eraikiz kolektiboa: “Gizonok matxismoaren aurrean ardurak hartzeko unea iritsi da”

Ander Magallon, Mikel Irure eta Xabier Jauregi Metropoli Forala saioan egon dira maskulinitate berrien inguruan mintzatzen.

2024-12-31 | ARGIA
Arrested in Zarautz a man on therapy for sexually assaulting a woman
The young woman has been assaulted at a home in Getaria, as reported by the Basque Department of Security. The woman went to a natural therapy clinic every week and the Ertzaintza investigates whether there are more victims of acts similar to those that occurred in the Basque... [+]

2024-12-31 | Leire Ibar
More than half of Catalan women journalists suffer discrimination on the basis of sex has highlighted the sexual discrimination suffered by women journalists in Catalonia. 54.4% of the women surveyed said they had suffered sexual harassment and 55.1% said they had suffered sexual harassment.

2024-12-31 | Julene Flamarique
The indictment calls for eighteen years in jail for former Gernika coach Mario López
Sexual assaults began in 1998, when the victim was 13 years old and had no police history. Although in 2003 she left the club, last year the woman reported sexual assaults, as Mario López continued to be a coach at the club. The indictment seeks an 18-year prison sentence, four... [+]

Detained in Israel's cruelest jail the director of the last hospital in Gaza
The World Health Organization (WHO) has called for the release of Dr. Hussam Abu Safiya and has launched a campaign in his favor on social networks. Dr. Abu Safiya is not just any man, but has become an international referent because he reported the attacks on the hospital he... [+]

2024-12-31 | Mikel Aramendi
Works and works to diffuse the yellow line
It is a propitious time to praise the achievements of the past and, moreover, to reclaim the expectations of the future. And so it is in China, I fear. Incidentally, it is not surprising that in the last few hours of December, in anticipation of the planned plan, the excavation... [+]

Pastures and flares, a tradition with collateral damage
In New Year’s Eve many of the participants will play with pickles, flares, tracts, rockets and other pyrotechnic devices. And there will be repeated accidents, interventions by firefighters and children, the elderly and animals suffering a loud noise. Prohibitions, limitations... [+]

2024-12-31 | Usurbilgo Noaua
Another fire in the incinerator
The firefighters had to extinguish another fire on 27 December at the incinerator in Zubieta, in the Gipuzkoan town.

2024-12-31 | Josu Iraeta
The dreams of the long struggle, I really want you.

There are those who, being a brilliant brain, with definitions of "little detail," are experts in transforming and transforming the same thing, in other words. It was yours and it has been a project in eternum that has been repeated for decades. This was one of the main reasons to... [+]

Platform with neighbours against the celebration of the football world cup in Donostia-San Sebastián: "We will not celebrate any Goal against us!"
The neighborhood platform has criticized that Donostia-San Sebastian is one of the headquarters of the 2030 World Cup, in an edition organized by Morocco, Portugal and Spain. Although they are covered by "empty speeches" such as "placing the city on the world map" and "bringing the... [+]

2024-12-31 | Sustatu
Also on the Max streaming platform begin to appear content in Euskera
On international pay streaming platforms, Amazon Prime Video and Netflix were the first to offer content in Basque and now Max, which until 2024 has been HBO or HBO Max, has been added. The screens in Euskera have adapted subtitles, and EITB has offered doubles, and this has... [+]

Eguneraketa berriak daude