Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

Gradually but always adding

  • COMMON FACTORS ENKORE Baga-Biga duration: 33´01´´ price: 11€
In recent years the Rekalde Bilbaíno district has become very popular for various reasons, including the presence of the emblematic Gaztetxe Kukutza and being here the winner of numerous musical competitions of Euskal Herria. So far, Eneko has released small albums, taught us portions, and now, yes, he's taken a long album with a collection of songs from his trajectory and from the present day. Melodic hardcore or punk pop, i.e. speed, force (youth) and round melodies are very present, but you can also find the intensity of post-hardcore, the U2 or Ken 7 pop-rock and more dancing melodies, as well as the metal footprint. And among them Aitor Uriarte (who if not?) a beautiful decorated ballad. Simple and very elegant design.
"Hobe hil, beti gazte ez izan baino"

Broadway gauaren paradisua bada, zeren paradisua da Euskal Herria?

Kresal usain gozoarena baliteke, ondo jatearena, herritar jatorrena, mendi ederrena? Egunez politagoa da gure herria.

Orain arteko lanak autoekoiztu dituzue. Hauxe, aldiz, diskoetxearekin atera da.

Aurreko lanak EPak izan dira, “Faktore Komunak”, berriz, luzea da. Lehenengo pausoak guk kontrolatzeko autoekoiztu genituen lan laburrak, gure ibilbidearen jabe izateko. Baina jabetu ginen iaz izandako oihartzunaz bakarrik ezin genuela aurrera egin.

“Zure ahotik ihesi doazen garrasien jabea nauzu”. Bazen ordua Gatibuz gain, beste batzuek ere kantetan poesia erotikoa idazteko.

Oso Gatibu zaleak gara! Eta baliteke oharkabean pentsatzen genuena baino gehiago eragin izana gugan. Gure bizitzako momentu jakin batean idatzitako letra da, sentimendu handiz egina. Ez dugu aldez aurretik pentsatzen zertaz idatziko dugun.

“Bizi bizitza... ez begiratu atzera”. Gaurkotasun handiko hitzak.

Bai, krisi puta hau guztion etxeetara heldu da eta Enkorek inoiz baino gertuago bizi izan du azken boladan. Negar eginez, deprimituz, galdu dugunaz ohartuz ez gara zulotik irtengo.

Zer lortuko zenukete “beti gazte” izanda?

Daukagun bizitzeko gogoa betiko mantendu. Hil arte, egunero jaikitzeko gogoa izan nahi dugu, maite dugunagatik borrokatzeko indarraz. Hobe hil beti gazte ez izan baino!

Hainbat lehiaketa irabazi eta taldea zabaltzeko sare sozial dezente erabiltzen dituzue. Zerk eman du taldea ezagutzera?

Lehiaketek ate asko zabaldu dizkigute. Gaur egun sare sozialak ezinbestekoak dira jarraitzaileekin kontaktuan egoteko. Kontzertuetara joaten direnei faborea bueltan emateko bada ere.

Zeintzuk dira taldekideon “faktore komunak”?

Adiskidetasuna, gaztetasuna, musikarekiko obsesioa, aurrera egin nahia, indarra, m.k.t., Z.K.H., Zer Garen? Enkore, Errekaldetik.

2025-01-28 | Julene Flamarique
Tourism regulation in Baztan: approval of the accommodation control plan
The new plan proposes the separation of the valley of Baztan in the four historical zones. It will also be responsible for the regulation of the opening of new tourist accommodation, which will depend on the urban sustainability indicators defined.

2025-01-28 | Mikel Aramendi
Appeasing the war in Myanmar is not good news for some
Ten days ago, on 18 January, a ceasefire was signed between the ruling Myanmar military junta in the Chinese city of Kunming and the insurgent Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army (MNDAA). It is not the first to be agreed in the context of the civil war that followed the... [+]

2025-01-28 | Julene Flamarique
The Spanish Government is considering the possibility of learning how to drive outside the car school, the car schools against
The new model could save students thousands of euros. Teachers at the auto schools criticize the plan and expose the danger that may arise on the roads. They warn that the new measure “jeopardizes the employment of thousands of teachers.”

Vocational training practices are a source of problems
The dual system is already underway in this academic year in the Vocational Training of the Southern Basque Country, and although it has been sold as an example, it is proving problematic in several centers: the teachers “are going through red” in search of companies for all... [+]

World March of Women Declares the Need to Develop Feminist Justice
The World March of Basque Country Women held a conference on sexist violence this weekend in Atarrabia. The judicial system has been called into question, the values of feminist justice and self-defense have been analyzed.

2025-01-28 | UEU
The Bakedano Moreno Sea
"We are all referents in sex education"
The online course "Sex education beyond classrooms" with the UEU will be taught by the sexologist Mar Bakedano Moreno (Baldorba, 1992). She holds a Master’s degree in Sex Education and Counselling from INCISEX, a Clinical Sexology Training from Dos Areas and a Pedagogical and... [+]

Bilboko Axel Hotelaren irregulartasunak salatu eta itxiera eskatu du EHGAMek

EHGAMek Axel hotelaren irregulartasunei jarritako helegitearen inguruko isiltasun administratiboaren ondoren, hotelaren itxiera eskatzen du eta hainbat eragileekin batera prentsaurrekoa eman dute.

Breton loses half of its speakers in six years, according to the latest study
In Brittany, the population that speaks Breton very well or quite well is 2.7%, three points less than in 2018. Today it is 107,000. The speakers are younger. The number of Galo speakers has also decreased, but not at the same speed as the Breton language.

2025-01-28 | Estitxu Eizagirre
Free Mountains of Urumea
"What we really need is economic and social change that respects natural, cultural and social wealth"
The popular initiative “The Urumea Mountains Alive” has brought together a large number of people in Hernani Square. He reports on the two wind macroprojects that they intend to carry out in these mountains, explains the damages that they would entail and calls on all... [+]

2025-01-27 | Leire Ibar
GKS calls for unity of the working class against fascism and war
Thousands of young people gathered in the mobilizations organized by the Youth Solizalist Coordinator (GKS) on January 25 in Bilbao and Pamplona to "prevent the normalization of the warmongering and fascist agenda in the Basque Country". Crowds have gathered in both capitals to... [+]

The house of a former councillor of the PNV in Zarautz has been decided to be demolished because it was built illegally
The case has been in court for ten years, and finally the Superior Court of the Basque Country has ruled what other smaller courts did not see: that the old farmhouse was not "reformed", but that a much larger building was erected and further from where it needed to be. It was... [+]

Bengoetxea takes over as rector and the financing of the UPV/EHU continues to be a subject of debate
Without making any special announcement, Joxerra Bengoetxea calls for "academic freedom and critical spirit" when he takes the oath of office as rector of the UPV/EHU, in Ajuria Ena: "The UPV will be the wall of containment against those who deny scientific evidence."

2025-01-27 | Leire Ibar
Tens of thousands of Palestinians are returning to the devastated north of Gaza
Internally with the ceasefire agreement, the Israeli army has opened the Netzarim corridor. After almost a year of exile, thousands of Palestinians have embarked on a deep emotional journey to their homes. Trump has proposed the displacement of Gazans to Egypt and Jordan,... [+]

2025-01-27 | ARGIA
Denounce immigration policies and demand the impeachment of the defendants on the threshold of the trial
Around 2,000 people gathered on 26 January during the march from Irun to Hendaye to denounce Europe’s “murderous” migration policies. They have supported activists prosecuted for helping several migrants cross the border when they ran. The activists will be tried in... [+]

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