By bicycle.
Length: 16.4 km.
Promotion time: 3-5 hours.
Slope: 872 m
Difficulty: Middle,
narrow roads.
Following the path that rises next to the Leziza River, we will get to know the Peña Blanca and its surroundings, on a bike tour. There are enough shadows, so it is highly recommended to do so in summer.
In the town of Dorrao we took the trail that goes to San Pedro. We will always continue until we end next to a block (4.39 kilometers). At the end of the runway, we're going up a road that passes through a gate barrier.
We see a cross on a curve to the right; we go up to the right with the curve. We then reached a meadow (6.40 kilometers) and climbed up the path that we will see on the right. The road is widening. We got out of the forest and we got to a fence.
After passing the fence as possible, we will head towards the hill in front of us. Once there, before descending in a straight line, we can turn right if we wish, making a small five-minute tour to reach the Peña Blanca. Otherwise, we will go down straight until we find a way. From there on the right we went by the raft of Fuente, and we entered the runway that comes from the port of Lizarraga. We turn left and turn west after several necks. Here we finish the track and enter a simple road for the bicycle. In the last part, before going up to Beriain, we will have to climb some tough ramps. In total, 16,44 kilometres.
Exit: Munarriz (910 m).
Slope: 355 meters to Treku and 582 to Berian.
Difficulty: Easy.
Duration: 2h 20’ Trekura and 5h to Beriain.
Auto: In the village.
The road from Munarriz is long, but there are no big slopes. A journey in which we will be able to enjoy different landscapes, more and more beautiful.
At the top of the village we took a track that passes by the cemetery and then passed a langa gate. We continue along the runway and at the top, after another cancel, the runway ends (30 minutes). We continue down one path to the right until we reach another gate. Once this is over, we take the path that goes to the right, at ten minutes, turn left and go out to the runway that comes from Urdanoz. So let's turn left.
On the runway we will descend for about 40 meters towards the raft of Erna and take the path to the right behind a barrier. The path runs along the top of a hayedo, disappearing from time to time, but always in the same direction. Ten minutes from the track we find the Goñi stone limit. There, we must search and pass the barrier gate at the border. Then we will continue right until we find a great way. Let's turn left on this broad road. After a raft we find a cross that we turn to the right and then we are at the hermitage of San Miguel.
We arrive at the hermitage and turn left, after ten minutes we pass a barrier and as indicated in the hermitage we must go to the right. At first we will go next to the portillo and then we will go down a small slope between the hayedo. Following straight on the bottom, between the stones we take the healthy one that goes up. Then we enter a trail with two animal watchers that will lead us to a meadow with a raft. We pass the gate and along the way between the top watering boat and the raft we go up to the shore. Following that easy and nice edge, we will climb to the Treku (2 hours and 20 minutes).
From the Treku we will see clearly the runway from the Lizarraga Port to Beriain. In order to reach Beriain, we must continue on the top of this track. Once on the other side, to the north, we passed the barrier and began to descend. At first, after cancelling, and then, as the piles of stone indicate, walking slowly to the left. We passed through the Devil's Runway and reached the track we saw from the Treku. 2 hours 35 minutes.
This runway turns west and becomes a smooth road. In 25 minutes we will reach the center of Euskal Herria, and from there, in another hour, we will reach the top of Beriain (1,492 m). Total five hours.
Exit: Ihabar (445 m).
Slope: 810 meters to Idoitxiki and 1,047 meters to Beriain.
Difficulty: Easy, very clear.
Promotion: 1h 35’ Idoitxikira and 2h 30’ Beriain.
Auto: In the village or on the runway, but on the runway there is little space.
The port of Irañeta is an easy and nice way to go up to Beriain. It goes through a beautiful hayedo and it will look nice to us at the top.
Leaving the Valley, we will see a sign indicating Camino de Zalduondo on the cross that passes through the tunnel under the railway and the highway. We're going down the road that tells us.
Then we finished the asphalt and entered a runway. As soon as the trail begins, we will see a tri-directional cross. We went straight on, and soon we passed by a water tank.
Ten minutes from the village we reached a junction. There is parking for two or three cars. We turn right on the runway and continue on foot for another twenty minutes.
Approximately 30 minutes after leaving, we find a new crossing, we continue along great roads, we turn right again and continue on the runway for another fifteen minutes.
On a curve to the left begins a broad path in a straight and ascending line, which is what we take. It squeezes right away, and as it goes to the right, it becomes a forest path. We crossed a barrier and joined the path that comes from Irañeta.
Going up the right road, we will be on the neck of Idoitxiki about three quarters of an hour. On the left side of the neck is Mount Idoitxiki (1.255). To go to Beriain, we turn right, on the back of the mountain. We will take a total tour of two hours and 30 minutes.
Goldatz talde feministak antolatua, ortziralean, urtarrilaren 3an, Jantzari dokumentala proiektatuko dute Beralandetan (17:30ean) eta biharamunean, urtarrilaren 4an, Berako bestetako tradizioak aztergai izanen dituzte Maggie Bullen antropologoarekin leku berean (10:30).
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Ander Magallon, Mikel Irure eta Xabier Jauregi Metropoli Forala saioan egon dira maskulinitate berrien inguruan mintzatzen.
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