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  • Harold


    Gor. Iraupena: 39´42´´

    Prezioa: 10€

Disko berririk ez 2006tik eta iaz 18 urtetako kantuez osatutako bilduma. Talde iruindarrak atseden luzea hartu zuela uste genuenok erratuta geunden, beraien ibilbideko disko landuena egin baitute. Ohi bezala, kantu berriek hardcore melodikoari jarraitzen badiote ere, jokorako aukeratu duten zelaia zabala da. Elkarrizketan aipatutako taldeez gain, Leatherface ere gogora ekarri didate, baina hortik harago pop-rock, emocore, garage, eskola zaharreko punk-hardcore eta bestelako eremuetan ere irabazteko asko dutela erakutsi dute. Bestalde, oso berezia da Triana taldeko Jesus De La Rosaren kantu enblematiko bat beraien esparrura ekarri izana. Batzuek hardcore melodikoa nerabeentzat dela diote; bada, ez legoke guztia galduta nerabeek kantu hauetako hitzei arreta jarriko baliete.
"Euskal Harria-k garrantzi handiko elementua izan beharko luke gure nortasunean"

“Egun baten munduak akabatuko dira”. Hainbesteko krisiak, ustelkeria, gerra... Ez al dago bukaera hurbilago?

Den-dena gaizki eta oker dago eta Arestiren hitz horiek inoiz baino errealistagoak direlakoan gaude, guztia bukatzear dagoela ematen baitu.

“Euskal harria” zama edo gotorlekua da guretzat?

Euskal harria-k gure nortasunean garrantzi handiko elementua izan beharko luke, sekula ez dadila fosil huts bihurtu. Gure elementu horiek guztiak modu onean hartuta, denboraren poderioz sekulakoak izan gaitezke eta bide onean goazela iruditzen zaigu.

“Haien historiak mutilatzen gaitu”. Hasiak gara historia gu idazten?

Kontua ez da guk idaztea, baizik eta gertatutakoa ezagutzea. Hainbat sasi-intelektualek saltzen diguten historia interesatuaren kontrako kanta da, umilatuen historia ezagutu beharrean gara.

Begiz jota dituzue beti “Harold” izena duten pertsonaiak?

Izen bereko pertsonaia errealak baina nortasun, bizimodu eta garai ezberdinetakoak. Harold Whittlesen soinua lehenbizikoz entzuten agertzen den argazkia topatu genuenean oso azala zuzena, sinple eta polita izanen zela iruditu zitzaigun. Azalaren argazkiak jarri dio diskoari izenburua.

Bad Religion, Ezin Izan eta RKL aspaldi tatuatu zenituzten zuen larruan?

Hiru talde horiek garrantzizkoenetakoak izan dira gure soinuan, taldean jotzen hasi ginenetik entzun eta gozatu izan ditugu. Haien estiloetan aitzindariak izan ziren.

Leihotikan begira, nola ikusten dira gauzak 19 urteren bueltan?

Taldeari dagokionez, 19 urte pasatu izanagatik ere ez dugu denboraren kontzientzia hori mantentzen. Ukaezina da hasi ginenetik gure bizimoduetan eta musikan gauzak zeharo aldatu direla, baina aldi berean beti iruditzen zaigu Leihotikan taldeari dagokionez hasiberriak garela, beti hastapenetan gabiltzala. Aspaldi honetan aisialdi eskasa izaten dugu taldean buru-belarri aritzeko, eta hala ere ilusioari eusten saiatzen gara.

January, the dream of the walnut
I painted with purple color the first month of the year, with the color of creativity, imagination, knowledge and spirituality.

2025-01-06 | Jakoba Errekondo
The need to live with each other
A Chilean friend has told me a story about his village and left me a mouth full of implants. It is from a plant there known as “quintral”, Tristerix corimbosus. It lives in the warm forests of southern Chile and Argentina, and the plant is very similar to the tongue (Viscum... [+]

2025-01-06 | Garazi Zabaleta
Trebatu Association
Project to boost relief in the primary sector in Gipuzkoa
The Trebatu association has been in operation for years in Ipar Euskal Herria, with the objective that those people who want to start this project can be trained beforehand. Taking as a model the project of Ipar Euskal Herria and pulling the same idea, in Gipuzkoa the... [+]

2025-01-06 | Nagore Zaldua
Cantabrian calm
Works of art of the warning
Colorful, bright, in shapes as strange as beautiful, nudibranchs seem to be coming beings from another planet. These naked creatures of the seabed dress the vivid colors of the crests of the 1980s and the architectural fashion of the great names of the Parisian seam.

LAB: “Welcoming migrant workers is a basic principle of class solidarity”
The Ipar Hegoa Foundation publishes the second study on union power. In 2016 he published his first edition and, therefore, you can now see the evolution between 2016 and 2023. LAB General Coordinator Igor Arroyo and Ipar Hegoa Representative Edurne Larrañaga have appeared at a... [+]

2025-01-03 | Leire Ibar
Two families at risk of eviction in Burlada
In Burlada, Navarra, two families are at risk of being evicted from their homes. The Socialist Housing Union of the County of Pamplona has explained that one family wants to be evicted by a vulture fund that has refused to renew the rental contract, while the other family is... [+]

Iametza has translated the Ninja Forms plugin into Euskera to create WordPress forms
Seeing that the translation of the Ninja Forms plugin into the Basque language was handed over to create WordPress forms, Iametza has taken on the task of updating the translation.

What housing in 2025?
We've started a new year, but housing has become a very big problem in recent years, that's not new. However, in view of the data that have been released in recent times, it can be said that 2025 is about to mark a milestone, and unpredictable social and political consequences can... [+]

Côte d'Ivoire: Seventh African State expelling the French army
Last Tuesday, 31 December, Ivory Coast President Alassane Ouattara announced that he would break military relations with France following the earthquake in February. In the coming weeks, a thousand French soldiers will have to leave the country, according to the Department of... [+]

2025-01-03 | Leire Ibar
From 2025 onwards, rentals in Hego Euskal Herria will rise by a maximum of 2.2% in the renovation
The National Institute of Statistics (INE) has published a new benchmark on 2 January. Accordingly, rent prices may be increased to a maximum of 2.2% per year. This index is a consequence of the Housing Act which entered into force on 25 May 2023 and will only affect contracts... [+]

2025-01-03 | Gedar
An African-American person is beaten to death by jailers in a US jail
Robert Brooks was beaten by three officials with his hands tied behind his back. He died the next day, and the autopsy indicates that the cause of death was asphyxia.

2025-01-03 | ARGIA
A surfing teacher asks for 85 years in jail for child sexual abuse
The Prosecutor’s Office of Gipuzkoa believes that Hondarribia’s 40-year-old professor sexually abused eleven minors between 9 and 17 years of age between 2011 and 2021. He was imprisoned in 2021, after being denounced by six of his students.

2025-01-03 | Jon Torner Zabala
Spanish Football Federation
"We will use all the legal tools at our disposal to protect the rights of Spain"
As many expected, following the approval by the International Football Federation of the Basque Country as a full member, Spanish sports organizations, political parties or media have begun an offensive against the decision. On Thursday, the Spanish Football Federation announced... [+]

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