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Abiadura hipersonikoko hegaldiak luzatu nahian

Abuztuaren 14an NASAk egindako saiakerak huts egin zuen. X-51A WaveRider gailu hipersonikoak, hamabost kilometroko altueran hegal eginez, orduko 7.000 kilometroko abiadura lortu behar zuen bost minutuz, baina 31. segundoan hegal baten funtzionamendu-akatsak porrota eragin zuen.

Maila horietako abiadurak Mach zenbakia erabiliz neurtzen da. Mach 1 soinuak airean eta hamabost graduko tenperaturan duen abiadura da: 1.224 kilometro orduko. Mach 1etik gorako abiadurei supersoniko deritze, eta Mach 5etik gorakoei hipersoniko. Une honetan, abiadura errekorra NASAren X-43 gailuak du; Mach 9,6ko abiadurari eustea lortu zuen hamar segundoz. Abuztuko saiakeran ez zuten abiadura errekorrik hautsi nahi, baina bai abiadura hipersonikoan luzeen iraun duen bidaiarena. Abioigintzako enpresa ugarik interesa du abiadura hipersonikoetan, batez ere bidaia luzeen iraupena murrizteko; X-51A gailuaren abiaduran bidaiatuz gero Paris-New York ibilbidea ordubetean egin liteke, eta Paris-Tokio bi ordutan.

The Spanish Congress approves the PP initiative to delay the closure of nuclear power plants
The Junts and the ERC abstained in the vote and the non-legal proposal presented by the people was put forward with the votes of the PP, Vox and the UPN. The closure between 2027 and 2035 would mean an increase in the useful life of the seven nuclear power plants of the Spanish... [+]

The Basque Language denounces the "interference of the judiciary" in the matter of the Basque demands of the municipal police of San Sebastián
In January of last year, the judges annulled two local police posts with a B2 requirement, considering that applying for Basque could be "discriminatory", and in the previous week, the Superior Court of the Basque Country has decided not to examine the appeal filed by the City... [+]

Institutional responsibility for the protection of children

We learned this week that the Court of Getxo has closed the case of 4-year-old children from the Europa School. This leads us to ask: are the judicial, police, etc. authorities prepared to respond to the children’s requests? Are our children really protected when they are... [+]

"We are concerned about the technological determinism of the Minister of Education: yes or yes must be introduced in an uncritical way"
The use of technologies is being discussed in the Education Committee of the Basque Parliament, for which several experts and agents are making their contribution in the committee. We spoke with the team responsible for Cabecera Levada, who has requested a general regulation to... [+]

The US and Russia say they are ready to enter into negotiations to end the war in Ukraine
Trump and Putin have been talking on the phone for an hour and a half. Both have confirmed that they agree to "work together" to end the war in Ukraine, but making it clear that Ukraine's return to the borders of 2014 is not "realistic". The President of the United States has also... [+]

2025-02-13 | Axier Lopez
Boycott of the massacre of whales and dolphins
In the Faroe Islands, an archipelago in the North Atlantic under Danish control, hundreds of cetaceans – usually more than a thousand – are killed each year. Some call it "tradition" because of its centuries of antiquity. But the known and viral images of hundreds of dolphins... [+]

2025-02-13 | Gedar
Russian gas returns to Europe via TurkStream
Slovakia has announced that it will continue to receive Russian gas after the flow in Ukraine has ceased, and Transnistria has refused European "aid".

GUET Women's Group of the University of Vitoria
“How is it possible for the teacher to stay in the UPV? It’s been under attack for years, and it was known.”
As soon as they learned of the complaints against a professor of Hispanic Philology at the Campus of Vitoria-Gasteiz, an open assembly was held by the Women’s Group of the University of Vitoria-Gasteiz GUET. In just one week, “tens” of new accusations and testimonies have... [+]

Aski Da mugimendua Irungo Udalarekin bildu da: hizkuntza politika berri baten lehen urratsak?

Gabonetako argiak pizteko ekitaldia espainolez egin izanak, Irungo euskaldunak haserretzeaz harago, Aski Da! mugimendua abiatu zuen: herriko 40 elkarteren indarrak batuta, Irungo udal gobernuarekin bildu dira orain, alkatea eta Euskara zinegotzia tarteko, herriko eragileak... [+]

The Little Speed Pavilion, which was a concentration camp in 1936, will be maintained in Irún
At Irun Train Station, the Little Speed Pavilion at the back of the Customs Building will continue to stand as a witness to the terrible post-war seclusion system of 1936, as a result of the erasure of memorialist groups. The pavilion was used by the Francoists from 1936 to 1942... [+]

Harassment and Retaliation of a Teacher
The UPV confirms that it has received several formal complaints and that it has activated the protocol against gender violence
The Rectorate Group of the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), in its note to LA LUZ, specified that "from the moment it became aware of the allegations against the professor of Hispanic Philology, the procedure defined by the protocol is in progress". Five anonymous... [+]

Children who ingest tobacco smoke have similar traces of active smokers in their DNA.
The Barcelona Institute of Global Health has investigated the health problems that smoking tobacco smoke can lead to, even if you are not a smoker, and has shown that it leaves dangerous traces in children’s DNA.

Netanyahu threatens war if prisoner exchange does not take place on Saturday
"If Hamas does not return our hostages before noon on Saturday, the ceasefire will end and the army will fight hard until Hamas is defeated," said Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, after the Palestinian group's decision to temporarily postpone the prisoner exchange.

2025-02-12 | Euskal Irratiak
Marieniako lurren aldeko militanteen epaiketa, irailaren 9ra gibelatua

Irailaren 9ra gibelatu dute Kanboko kontseiluan gertatu kalapiten harira, hiru auzipetuen epaiketa. 2024eko apirilean Kanboko kontseilu denboran Marienia ez hunki kolektiboko kideek burutu zuten ekintzan, Christian Devèze auzapeza erori zen bultzada batean. Hautetsien... [+]

Eguneraketa berriak daude