We wanted to make a movie. And we've done it. Five directors wanted to open a window. Tell the reality, the people, the prisoners, five stories. There are so many in our small town. Work for generations will be counted to the same extent as the life of generations. For pain and acceptance of all. They're so different colors... We all have to learn something from each other. So, and for all of that, we knew that we weren't making a movie alone. Because it is more comfortable, more seen, more “just” to tell several stories and ours had little of them and others.
And we wanted to make a movie, and we've done it, in winter. Each opened his window and went into it. Reality, the person, the prisoner... There has been no hibernation, but we have also been around. Childbirth occurs at the end of the spring. The child is really beautiful. Well, being ours, what will we say. Summer is perfect when it is still small. Time helps you get out on the street and spend your first months in calm. But we all know how cruel time is in this northern part and that it can be capricious, even in summer.
From one moment to the next, shortly before it starts to enjoy the summer, the sky has darkened by the side of the sea. We have watched in horror because we do not know how it has happened. The sky, which was blue, has suddenly appeared blackened. In our eyes have been drawn the stings of the lightning... No. They're real beams that bleach black clouds. A storm is approaching. We were not surprised. Storms happen this way and at this time of summer it is easier.
We have sought refuge in the nearest chiringuito. And they've given us that. People are generous, especially when the circumstances are severe, and if there's a newborn, I'm going to tell you what I mean. I don't know if you have children, but if you don't know what that's like.
However, we are familiar with what happens to summer storms. Another thing would be that it had to do with climate change, no. But the summer storm process is already known... That is why we are now waiting for the noise of the storm. The later you hear that the storm is further away. We're on hold. You still don't hear anything. For the rest, the storm process is the usual one. Lightning, thunder, rain and then calm. And also, in this village, because of time, we are not one of those who stay at home. At the moment, the important thing is not to mock it. And if it has to get wet, because it gets rain, let it be as little as possible. n
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Noiz: otsailaren 15ean.
Non: Arizkun eta Erratzun. plazan.
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