The time comes for the holidays and, like every year, there will be no Argia magazine in August. We too have to lighten the cabin a little, and with that intention we are going to deal with the month of August. Here we will be back in early September, at the hot end of next year and ready to work for yourself.
We live in difficult times, and looking forward is also narrow. We are also very tight from an economic point of view, it is not new in our environment, but it is true that in more prosperous years we have also been sweeter. For example, the need to tighten the belt has led to a 14% drop in wages in 2012. Our first objective is to maintain jobs and our products and the quality of them. Thus, and taking into account that we have not risen since 2010, from September the price of the journal will increase by 5%, 0.15 euros/unit.
Knowing that citizens' money is used to bring forward the banks that have created the crisis generates thunder within us. Yes, we too have a lot of indignation, but also a desire for work and denunciation. And what the hell, and also illusion, at least in the Light at high doses.
We know that this is a key moment and that on those occasions you cannot fall asleep. In our case the fall will also be hot, fortunately for positive reasons: both in the magazine and on the Internet we will make changes. In the magazine, for example, we will renew the opinion section completely and we will also have news in the section of culture. The Internet is going to undergo the biggest changes and our portal will be completely renovated in autumn.
Despite the crises, we are increasing in number of readers. According to data provided by CIES in the first semester of this year, Argia has 57,000 readers in Hego Euskal Herria, 7.1% more than last year. We are also satisfied with the Internet data: 5,000 people read daily (CIES). But not only does he read us in the case of the Internet, but more and more people listen to us, both in the videos produced by ourselves, in the documentaries or in our increasingly successful Beranegi web TV: if you have not yet seen it, I encourage you to it, it is one of our star products and, fortunately, others have also seen it (this year he has received the Rikardo Arrangi Journalism Prize).
We are strong and hopeful inside and outside the house. Among other things, we are enthusiastically promoting the new partnership that the Basque Media of People’s Initiative will create in the early autumn. The axis of partnership is clean, rather than individual, we will face better the tough times in which we live. There are many media in Basque, of a diverse nature and with different opinions, the road is not going to be easy, but we also have to address the problem of collaboration.
For four weeks, therefore, you won't see us on paper, if you have any pleasure on the Internet. Also to you, in your case, we wish you a good holiday, rest and come back with strength, because the times that come to us can be as hard as illusionary. However, being clear that understanding reality well and having information is more key than ever in these difficult times; at a tight time, informed citizens will always have more resources to move forward. The information wears the person and leaves them freer. From our independence, that is what we strive for.
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Year of War, year of lie!
That is what the phrase says, and that is what reality confirms.
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