Here's a general reviewer.
All my views are provisional. Like the bertsolaris, put the theme and throw it away. Almost everything I can say is a verse, but I'm not able to write two pages about almost anything.
That's why your ears are warm?
Those who are aligned find it hard to argue with those who are not aligned, and I have given six different votes in these years. If we add to this that the one who has 1% of disconformity in this village is considered sold on the other sidewalk...
Talk about literature and peace!
Literature? Very few people care a lot, but most don't care about anything.
Were the debates around the Euskadi Awards not like the World Wars?
I find it ridiculous to spend so much force on such a small cake. Sadly, Sarrionandia has broken the schemes, because if I tell you that I have seen one who refused to be a finalist of the Euskadi Prize participate in the Spanish National Prize...
In the name of journalistic ethics, I would command you to stop shaking old rags and talking about old age, the central theme of your latest novel!
Society, rather than fear, abhors aging. It can't be old, nobody wants to be old, and it's pathetic what we do to rejuvenate the image from a certain age. We lack ideology about aging.
“We’ve aged, and we don’t settle...” Is a new version fashionable?
Do the test: appearance, say to your peer that looks younger and 100% believe and thank you. Since when does the word “old” have a negative connotation? Were not those over the age of one at the top of society before?
And you're about to turn 65 and still without a fixed job!
But today, who has a steady, secure job? I finished 3 Marías because from morning to night I became a mileurist. I know that this is the price of freedom. I know that these anxieties are the ones that prevent him from living in freedom.
I thought that for a writer, freedom was that when presenting the book, theories appeared that nobody understands.
A writer does not know what he did, but what he wanted to do. So instead of throwing away so many sermons, let's leave our work to the people, and let the readers say whether what we've done is worth it or not.
The victims created by the IAP are not only functionalized teachers thanks to the stabilization process brought about by the IAP Law, but much more. Some have been given some media visibility as a result of Steilas's appeal, but most of them are invisible. All the victims of the... [+]
In recent weeks we have been reading "proposals" for the recovery of the railway line Castec-Soria and the maintenance of the Tudela train station in its current location, or for the construction of a new high-speed station outside the urban area with the excuse of the supposed... [+]
Year of War, year of lie!
That is what the phrase says, and that is what reality confirms.
Given the situation of war in the world and in Europe, its constant upturn and the possible consequences that this has had and will have in Euskal Herria, last December several citizens... [+]
The restoration of the natural characteristics of the beach of Waukee began three decades ago and continues without interruption in the staged restoration to counterclockwork.
Samuel (Bizkaia) is an exceptional space, very significant from the natural and social point of view... [+]
After so many years of struggle for it, 34 years, precisely, we are very pleased with the decision taken a few days ago, on 28 December, Innocent Day, in Pamplona, at the assembly organized by the International Federation of Basque Ball. Well, from now on we will have the... [+]
Jar gaitezen 2025erako proposamen politiko gisa, Espainiako Auzitegi Kolonialaren (AN) epai guztiak berrikusten hasteko eta makila bakoitzak bere belari eusteko.
Unionismoarekin lerrokatutako alderdi, sindikatu eta gizarte-erakunde gehienek, eta ez bakarrik horrela... [+]