Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

The Higgs boson closer to the boundaries between mass and energy

Last year, CERN announced that it had located neutrinos that moved at a faster rate than light, but it was subsequently shown that the origin of the alleged finding was nothing more than a poorly made measurement. After that failure, there comes the finding of the particle that could be the Higgs boson. Through it we will be able to better understand the universe, among other things, the research of the Higgs boson will put us on the path of understanding the creation of matter. After the defeat of the neutrinos, CERN has, on this occasion, used a much more discreet communication strategy.

Peter Higgs and five other scientists could take several months to check whether the finding of this boson is one of the five most anticipated in the 1960s, according to CERN. In any case, it seems that we can make sure that we are closer to knowing the event in which a particle moves from a wave to a particle with mass. How much closer? Oh my God!

In addition to allowing a better understanding of reality, capturing the Higgs boson can have more “terrestrial” consequences. For example, it is almost certain that CERN will get more money to continue the research. The model proposed by Higgs can already be said to be reasonable, but it is early to talk about what the research can contribute. It will be a matter of decades.

The Higgs boson, a nickname that many scientists reject, is also called the “particle of God”. Some say that understanding the process of transforming energy into matter can make the nature of God understood. I do not think that is the case, let alone in the short term. On the one hand, because the research path that is now underway will take many years to achieve results; on the other hand, will it not be necessary to look not only at the dwarf but also at the macro? In other words, is it not necessary to understand the behavior of the mass energy binomial to know what is beyond the universe? It must be borne in mind that in this second field we are only at the beginning of research. As for the religious dimension of the problem, each finding brings a new question, it seems to me that the churches are very calm.

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