The prestigious Ibero-American advertising festival El Sol, which has travelled between Donostia-San Sebastian and Bilbao, awarded this year to parents in slip, among others. So that anyone who has not seen knows what we are talking about: At the spot of the advertising agency Saatchy & Saatchy, they make fun of the men who, because of the heat, are engaged in underwear. They denounce the dissatisfaction of these elderly people who have a bald head and a tummy, and they highlight the shame and disrepugnance they cause in their families and in those who come home. In a black and white ad decorated with dramatic classical music, to get rid of this humiliating situation, it is proposed to buy an air conditioning electron.
So far, the description of the ad. And, from now on, comments about the treatment of roles that are publicly acceptable or rejected. And how the media stereotypes gender, class, age, race or sex, using closed, exclusionary models. In the advertising part to which we refer, age appears as a form of imposition.
In a society that shows an immense lack of maturity, the public presence of older women is diminished. They do not appear as active subjects with criteria, let alone as physically attractive or wanted.
Youth is idolized among us. And what's more, we depend on a very narrow model of beauty. The roles of men and women are also very marked in the public and private spheres. Consumer capacity and freedom have been equated in recent years. One day, as in the announcement, these older men (women) appear. Demonstrate that they are satisfied. They own their own bodies. Feel comfortable. Claiming your playing field. Domestic and street. And they tell us that above wrinkles are active and positive people. And they claim, like yours, the same rights for all.
These veteran revolutionaries are fighting for the good of those who are obsessed by the fear of old age and youth for seculorum. They are older activists, claiming inequality and the joy of being at ease with ourselves.
Things have to change a lot until older people appear normally in underpants and panties. From the body itself to the realization of the liberty initiated. At this point, no new appliances will be needed for everyone to enjoy the perfect “air conditioning”.