Bad weather is also the fault of the referee!
People are not so bold as to download their tensions at home or at work, so they remember our mother. You know, football is the opium of the village, and ultimately, who are the stupidest? Well, we the referees!
I see that you are very high in your self-esteem.
I know that football is a circus, full of interests, but whoever loses his values and principles for a game has a problem. Football is nothing more than sport, it is nothing of life or death.
Are you sure? Reading sports press...
There's nothing better than selling paper to invent lies. Why does no one get angry with Real Madrid? If nobody from Real Madrid gives an interview because the business is over!
Isn't there football without controversy?
Football will always have its charm, but we lack sports culture. It is much worse to arbitrate a game of crazy boys and girls surrounded by fathers and mothers than to play in the first division.
He who goes with children does not listen to the cruel criticisms of the former referees who go for the program!
Retirement seems to improve value and sight. The penaltis that didn't have the testes before to beat and the red cards that didn't have the testicles before to pull them out look now. I would slimmer them and give them back to the camp.
But was the solution not a video arbitration?
All right, but only in Gol's line? Why not in penaltis? What about the moves and corners of the edge of the area? Are we sure that that will solve everything? Don’t forget that the former referees who play the program, even seeing a thousand times the play, sometimes don’t agree!
The video ended his personal revenge and his absolute power!
He who has prejudice cannot be an arbitrator. A judge who considers that all politicians are thieves cannot judge any politician. In ours it is the same.
If the referees are professional, maybe ...
Professionalism is an attitude, not a salary. Why do we have the doctor at Cruces Hospital as a professional and the one who comes to help Nigeria not?
If you also need help.
The referee needs psychological work. In Bilbao there is no problem because we are all from Athletic, but in León half are from Madrid and the other half are from Barça. When you've been wrong to the detriment of one or the other, it's not easy to get out into the street.
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