Health is not a good commodity in the media. Just look at the information to check the roundness of the previous statement (why should we write roundness if roundness is more complete? ). And it seems that the color that most stretches in the finite space around us is the dark black, the great driver for despair.
I don't know if it's because I've reached my age -- the highest I've ever had -- but I'm realizing that the negative, black environment doesn't fill me, it doesn't feed me the intellect. The experience of life tells me that it is hardly possible to reach the incessant to go from the wheel back to reality, but the very backpack of life reminds me that even the most educated men and women end up naked their journey through the bottom of the valley of tears. So?
I am not interested in catching the spirit with bitter and evasive drops, because I only have my own and inevitable crosses and calves. Why increase sadness with artificial food?
I am of the opinion that the wings of understanding must be completely free for the release of feelings to occur, and without any connection for induced messages of negative charge. And without giving choice to negative vibrations, I think we should build in ourselves temples of hope, because only from there can strong and effective action platforms come closer.
I don't want to imagine my near world through blackness, although the environment around me sends me other beams. But with my attitude, I do not even want to give rise to false false foundations. And it is clear to me that keeping the balance is not easy, as thousands of daily examples constantly show. But I'm not interested in kicking in the continued sense of friction and uncertainty, because I'm not willing to spend useless forces for the benefit of those who dominate in the magic of darkness.
I prefer to take the road to optimism so that the minimum conditions of coexistence appear in green. And in order for my purpose not to rot, I need a fairly influential and multidirectional force, with a direct intervention in the attempt. Unresponsive transmission is unidirectional and does not generate positive emotion. Interaction facilitates the understanding of messages to a fair extent, stimulating the pleasure of the interlocutors. And communication can transform the starting point into clarity, at least in the case of smart people. But for this to happen it is absolutely necessary to act energetically in the free will of each one.
If we are aware that the induced negative aggression of the media is a subpotent for the minds of men and women, the next step is to seek balance as sentient beings, always looking forward and with innovative encouragement.
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