In the festivities of various places in Euskal Herria, bulls and vaquillas have begun to climb and down the street, following the corridors. It is clear, therefore, that the crisis that reaches us all has not been able to spread this kind of holiday, since municipalities cannot betray the cultural tradition because of the scarcity of money, that is the only thing we needed. These items are the only ones that remain, for the peace of mind of all.
All ETB viewers know that Falces is one of the most curious corners of Euskal Herria, as the jeans do not circulate in the streets but go down rocky paths to the town. Before releasing the animals, the corridors request singing to the virgin protection, as in Pamplona is done to San Fermin without history.
The announcement of the program, which promised us to answer the question “What is Navarro?”, appeared to me when I turned on an ETB2 that has left Navarre brumous not only in the map of time, but also in the information: The explanations and singing of the lockdown of Falces, all by the hand of the most authentic people.
It is known that, as in books or films, in television programmes the beginning is fundamental to perceive the interest, the perspective, the seriousness and the tone of what comes. Of course, the programme followed the same path, leaving some time for reflection, but quickly, returning to the vast route of simplicity. In addition to the opposing opinions of two politicians on Navarra, the confinement, the harrijasotzailes, the bertsolaris jotak and the in-depth interviews recorded on the street: “What is being Navarro? That cannot be explained.” Hence, clearly, the degree of compliance with the program's objective, which was stated by one of the interviewees.
The sociologist Pierre Bordieu wrote a very interesting book about television: Sur la télévision (1996), also published in Spanish. In it, the Frenchman clearly revealed the diseases of the influential media: the commitment to sensationalism and the spectacle has made real journalism disappear; aside from reflection, emotion is placed above reason, and the content is subjugated to the hands of the spectacle.
Since the publication of his book, Bordieu, the situation has changed considerably. For the worst, of course. Since then, the level of garbage has increased as much as the television offer, as in the supposed serious journalistic programs that are completely entrenched.
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Espainiako Estatuko zentral nuklearrak itxi ez daitezen aktoreen presioak gora jarraitzen du. Otsailaren 12an Espainiako Kongresuak itxi beharreko zentral nuklearrak ez ixteko eskatu zion Espainiako Gobernuari, eta orain berdin egin dute Endesak eta Iberdrolak.
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