The Academy of Versailles has held a special competition since 1961 to preserve the memory of resistance and deportation, with the aim of promoting the transmission of these terrible events. This year the theme of this competition has been “the practice in the Nazi camps”. This competition was open to prisoners. This competition is organized by the French foundations responsible for deportation, memory and resistance, as well as by the National Education and the Ministry of Defence. In the jury of this literary competition, linked to the main institutions, the association of history teachers participates. The competition is very official, you have to write it in French.
Aitor Lorente is from Bizkaia. He has been in prison for almost five years in French prisons. They have recently brought him back for another cause in Madrid, because in this peace process states do not open doors, but they do lead sentences when deciding one sentence after another. Aitor has participated this year in the competition organised by all these French structures, perhaps because they are tools for trying to combat fascism. French. He has been the winner of the competition, obtaining the praise of the jury. They have come to inform him of the results of the competition, the director of the prison, the representative of the National Education, a lady who has been in the field of deportation and who had a number in her arm. They are all praises, exaltations. The National Education Delegate has asked Aitor for permission to distribute the work to the lyceums. Aitor has been approached by a woman who has been in the concentration camp to know how the subject worked, to tell her experience and, without a doubt, what she writes so well about working in Nazi concentration camps, curious about what kind of person she is. After the reply, Aitor tells the story of Martzelo Bilbao in the concentration camp, in which Martxelo had a blue threesome on his ppapo, stateless, Euskaldun. He explains how they scourged him to death because he wanted to tell him that he was Spanish and Martxelo that he was not. There he died, because he was Basque, Basque, not Spanish. He explained that the situation is still there, that the Basques have no state or knowledge. Those who are thrown are held prisoners as in their day, those French states that want to denounce fascism so strongly. Witness of that Aitor.
The French students will have the opportunity to know what a Basque prisoner writes about fascism in the hand of a Basque prisoner of memory. What a paradox!
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