Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

Fourteen Apples Removed…

Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

It was not long ago that there was a gentleman who received a good harvest of apples every year. I had a great manga for that apple tree! Their customers were happy with those apples so beautiful, whose taste, smell and appearance were delicious. As the fame of apples grew more and more, this gentleman, to satisfy them, had mixed in the land of apples the fertilizer recommended by a neighbor, who, before falling into the infusion with caution and delicacy, had excavated, left time to oxygenate and mix the fertilizer to the earth, had arranged everything.

As soon as he collected the crops, the Lord realized that in that year there was something unusual in his apple beans. Insects appeared in the warehouse, and rotten grains multiplied. So he decided to sell it as soon as possible and secure his profits. He did so easily! A group of shoppers ate them at a very high price.

The new shoppers soon realized that those amazing apples, as well as everything around them, were beginning to rot. What to do? They were all confused in a lot so big that it was impossible to separate them one or the other, so many tons ...

After pondering until the neurons and the Eurons were exhausted, they thought that the best thing would be to get together with apples from farther countries, because otherwise, the total loss of harvest brought with it tremendous failure ... But by joining with those of other peoples, they all rot at a faster rate. Their cavities looked like worms and worms ...

After a good number of days searching for solutions, it was finally agreed to combine its huge mass of apples with the harvest of potato producers from another state. The apple and the earth could be repaired.

Of course, a committee of apple owners had to make two and three huge ones so that the suspicious potato producers would meet their wishes. But when they were finally exposed to such a good solution and a better business, with the most modern means of marketing, delighted, dazzled, the stimulus of a possible wealth provoked in their hands a scarf that would dry the sledge... Yes! They all said at the same time.

Putrefaction took measures and speeds without limits. They were becoming more and more putrefaction. So it occurred to them that there were producers who were making modest but safe profits compared to them and that, in addition, their product was certainly better protected to deal with corruption. Over the layer of layers, the onion did not leave a single hole in the rot and there the nasty situation would end.

The agreement ended with applause, giving for the most expensive cava. Its foam and steam dominated the northern wind's rotten flow from the other end of the continent. But the new smell of our producers did not last long. Topa immediately met the stench that had threatened them so badly. This time it had the same effect as a tear gas: everyone started crying with the perfume of the onion saldustel (sold or rotting). We didn't know what those tears were causing, but in the endless conversations they had with him, everyone was talking about the same thing. Please speak to me!

And so, like vultures that smell rotten, politicians came up to solve everything ... If someone wanted to double the money to move, he said on the sermon, until the raven's cure ... That is how the European Bank was created!

P. S. The old lady of poetry, suddenly, with the rhythm and restraint of the balanced cots, a story that her nephew has left to fall asleep! n

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