In Vitoria, in 2009, Gasteiz Kantuz started the day before the Korrika ended and started. The first attempt was made a couple of years earlier, but it failed. In 2009, they began to leave on the first Saturday of each month, at 12:00 pm, and met in the same setting Basques, Euskaltzales, erdaldunes and singers. Kandi Anda was presented as a member of the Euskaraz Bizi association in the first call for the creation of Gasteiz Kantuz. It is clear what it is to sing Basque songs in the square: “In the Euskera street very little is used in Vitoria-Gasteiz and what we achieved with Gasteiz Kantuz is to live two hours in Euskera. But it is true that sometimes we move with the usual, that is, ‘if we do not do it in Spanish people will be offended...’. However, the main axis of the street performances is the Basque, and then the songs and dances come. The Castellanoparlantes also approach the song, and although they do not know the Basque, they make an effort to sing in Euskera. As they are involved, they have to decide in which language to communicate. For example, when you're on the street, you have to say what you're going to sing from the song to the song and which page it's on. On other occasions, they give longer explanations to the crowd. Sometimes the Castilian speakers ask for it to be done in Spanish. Kandi Anda has explained that they do their best to make the distance of two hours the space of the Basque and for this they have worked the following means: they say on which page the song is in Basque and, if necessary, express it with their fingers. Long explanations are given in Basque and, if requested, the summary is made in Spanish. They have 200 emails, divided into two lists. Euskaldunes receive information in Basque and Castilian speaking Castilian.
Concerts don't need any infrastructure from the other world. The people of Vitoria-Gasteiz need only three bases for the monthly session: place, essays and cancionero. Every month they stay in Gorbeia's still life and move through the streets of the old town. They expressly chose the day of the fair. The trials are conducted twice a month and have a basket of 168 songs. They drew 3,000 copies and it is exhausted. The second edition is about to take place, with the addition of new songs. They do not have a fixed subsidy, because they have not acquired the status of association. They feature a CD in mp3 format engraved with songs for two functions: On the one hand, raise some money sold at a price of 3 euros and, on the other hand, let singers learn and review songs at home. Saturday sessions also take on an exotic touch. Tourists stay looking and even ask for the CD. The Catalans and Madrid people who are the first to ask are asked to buy it, for ayudarles.Los Gasteiztarras do not have to meet any requirements to
be able to become part of this singing modality. More or less a hundred amateurs gather every month and from time to time, to regain strength, go to the kantu-jiras of the area such as Baiona, Donostia-San Sebastián, Gernika, Otxandio or San Fermin of Pamplona/Iruña.
In 2007, when he appeared in Lizarra Garean Euskaldunon Elkartea, after lunch, two musical expressions traveled the street: Batukada and Lizarran Kantuz. Secondly, they thought it could be an interesting activity to achieve the objectives of the association (living in Basque). After the experience and success he had at the Estella festivities, starting in September 2007 they decided to leave the last Saturday of each month. Luisfer Etxeberria is a partner of Garean, since his creation in Lizarra is in Kantuz and has explained to us what the key to success in his opinion is: “The Euskaltzales come to sing, of course, but the one who seeks some social value receives us with good eyes. We make the ash in the middle, when there are a lot of people on the street and naturally. People liked it.” That means that people who don't know Euskera are also approaching. When it comes to linguistic management, they are clear: “We are very transparent, we have stated from the beginning that our goal is to live in Basque, so all communication with people is done in Basque.”
The Garean Euskaldunon Elkartea association works in different areas, such as child entertainment, mintzalaguna, radio, magazine and adult activities. One of those legs is Kantuz, at Estella. When organizing the singing sessions, the idea was to fill the gap outside the school.
They have the Basque axis, but they like to sing well. For this reason, two sentences are written in the basket. Josanton Artzerena says: “When the song is sung, you don’t see the singer, the song hides.” Oskorri had another one: “Singing in the rain, I’m singing in the rain, in any situation, whether it’s dinner or the friendly juerga, to challenge quietly.” I mean, we all like to sing well and more if we represent our culture. The members of Garean also want any citizen or citizen to approach the group and approach it.
Aurten 15 urte egin dituzte, itxura guztien arabera haiek izan ziren euskal kantuak talde gisa kalean abesten lehenengoak. Baionako Ikastolako guraso batzuk hasi ziren kantari, bi helburu zituztela: euskal kantuak zabaltzea eta ikastolarentzako dirua ateratzea. Baionan Kantuz izeneko elkartea sortua dute. Hilero laugarren larunbatean 11:00etan elkartzen dira merkatuan eta han egiten dute saio osoa. 50 urtetik gorako jendea biltzen da eta gehienek ez dakite euskaraz. Patrich Franchessena elkartearen sortzaile eta kideak adierazi duenez, “partaide gehienak ez dira abertzale eta euskaltzale gogorrak, ez dakite euskaraz. Dena dela, maite dute euskara”. Erdaldunek entseguak eskatzen dituzte, baina elkarteak ezin du halako lanik hartu. Hala ere, Baionan badira euskal kantuak irakasteko ikastaroak.
Gazteak nola ez diren animatzen galdetu diogu Frantsesenari eta ordutegia aipatu digu. Larunbat goiza ez da nonbait egokiena gazteak inguratzeko. Aldiz, Baionako jaietan ere kalera ateratzen dira kantatzera eta arratseko 20:00etan izaten denez gazte andana gerturatzen da. Jaiak aipatu ditugu, baina horrez gain hainbat ostatutatik eta herritatik deitzen diete kantatzera joateko.
Bost CD argitaratuak dituzte ikastolaren alde diru pixka bat biltzeko.
Nafarroa Beherean, Aiherrako 'Beltzegitea' etxean kokatuko da Eguzkilore haurtzain-etxe berria. Euskara, natura eta motrizitate librea oinarri harturik, heldu den apirilean hasiko dira zerbitzua eskaintzen.
To be honest, I don't know why I'm writing this. In today’s hostile environment, opinions of this kind are not well received. Perhaps LUZ will not publish this because it does not correspond to the opinions they have published so far (but if they have finally decided to publish... [+]