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Weakened vision has solutions

From the age of 45 or 50 we all have presbyopia or weakened vision, to a greater or lesser degree. However, advances in medicine are allowing better and better solutions to correct this problem.

Spanish ophthalmologists have already anticipated in last year’s congress that they will be much more accurate than the lasers currently used to correct the weakened vision in a couple of years, which will increase the efficacy of the technique in 99.9% of cases. It's good news if you take into account that from the age of 50 we all start to see worse.

Why does it happen?

When you need to get away from objects, especially letters, to see them well, you will realize that the process of life has begun. Over the years, the lens of the eye becomes thicker and loses elasticity, which makes the eye lose the ability to adapt and adapt to the distance we see. In other words, it has a hard time focusing. But in this process that manifests itself with aging, years are not the only triggering factor. Other disorders such as diabetes or anemia affect the health of the lens. Good prevention against these two diseases can delay the onset of presbyopia or prevent the process from progressing.

On the other hand, the activities that require the continued use of the nearby view (devoting a lot of time to reading, performing the full day in front of the computer...) are harmful. Take occasional breaks to relieve eye tension.

That is how it is resolved.

The traditional method is to use lenses that can be monofocal – to see what is close – bifocal – to read closely and see remotely, for example – or progressive – which also improve intermediate vision. In addition to anti-eye contact lenses, contact lenses correctivas.En are commonly used. Surgical techniques are currently available to rule out anti-eye and
tactile contact lenses. The technique called artificial crystalline or multifocal intraocular lens is to replace the lens with a lens that performs its functions, allowing the brain to choose or choose the most appropriate approach in each case. This technique can solve other visual defects such as nearsightedness, hypermetropia or astigmatism. The technique is simple, the surgical intervention lasts 10 to 15 minutes and the results are very satisfactory in duly selected patients.

What factors favor the appearance of presbyopia?

In addition to disorders such as age, excessive gaze or anemia or diabetes, the existence of other factors that can favor the appearance of life has been detected. For example, if an unbalanced diet or a low-calorie diet is maintained for several months, vision errors may occur. Periods of severe stress can also lead to the onset or increase of a disorder.

Some medicines may hasten life

There are medicines that reduce the flexibility of the lens. These are antidepressants, antihistamines – which are used against allergies – diuretics – against hypertension, antispasmodics – in some cases against cough – and corticoids – which are widely used against inflammation. If you are taking any of them ask your doctor if it is appropriate to adjust the dose.

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The Fury. Mime and strength
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