11 Sing.
Format: DVD. Author: Urko Egaña. Colleagues: Oskar Estanga, Olatz Amozarrain, Antton Iztueta and Leire Derteano.
New departure in 2012. Full information: www.11kantatzeko.com
In our case, those 3 to 8 years old ask for this DVD to be placed. And what the hell! Madrecita! Background music is nice for desktop tertulias.
Most are classic stories and others not so well known. Total 11: The three pigs, Mari Errauskin, Txanogorritxo, the singer Txori, Sant Jordi and the legend of the dragon, the seven kids, Pinocchio, the Gentiles of Oñati, Txitxirio txiki, the flutist of Hamelín and Edurnezuri.
Beautiful drawings. Leire Derteano (Oñati) may seem to have made all the characters of the same world; very by hand, very humorous, with nice colors.
They don't have cartoon speed. And I found it a great success to say what you want. At this slow pace, without haste but with the pauses very well measured. Antton Iztueta, who made the video assembly, will also participate in the recording of the play. Iztueta has already made a valuable material to learn verses with Power Point. Experience is evident, as the new movements and elements of the drawings adapt to the rhythm of the bertsos and the silences.
The calmness of the eyes allows the ears to receive more comprehensive attention. Along with the images, the bertsos we are hearing appear on the screen in capital letters (thank you very much for remembering those who are learning to read! ). The DVD brings the karaoke of each story, but usually the lounge becomes karaoke; as the verses are learned, viewers sing with pride what comes.
The music of Oskar Estanga and Olatz Amozarrain is one of the pieces you saw most about this work. A melody for each story, a total of eleven, varied in size and shape. The stories that gather many voices (including Red Riding Hood) win a lot.
Since Urko Egaña's verse is theirs, it's about verses that don't have a forced language, the phrases go by themselves, they're easy to understand in the first hearing, very narrative. He already has the painting to make the bertsos more complicated. As explained in the preamble, the project has been very yours, stimulated by your youngest child.
What struck me is self-production. This Quintet starts and ends, they have done everything themselves. The sale is also available: The points of sale are available on the website of Kantatze 11.
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Alarma jo du, beste urte batez, OIP Presondegien Nazioarteko Behatokiak. Abenduaren lehenean marka berri bat hautsi zen frantses estatuan, 80.792 pertsona atxiloturekin. Espetxe-administrazioaren aitzinikuspenen arabera, gainera, 86.000 baino gehiago izan litezke 2027an egungo... [+]