After a time of uncertainty, regardless of whether deception and the appearance of normality are enhanced or not, I have decided to tell what happened, on the recommendation of the doctors who treat me, in order to be able to resume my relationship with vasquism properly.
My case is not the first. The medical literature has received many others. A traumatic shock may result in several kinds of aphasia (in some cases reversible). Sometimes concrete linguistic abilities disappear (in alexia, for example, the ability to read is lost, but not to write, while in anomalous patients they are affected by the storage of the lexicon: some cannot evoke specific names, but they are abstract; others cannot name inanimate objects…), depending on the location of the damage. Maternal language and the knowledge acquired in adulthood cover the different facets of the brain. In operations carried out with the open skull it has been possible to locate the studied languages (with small electric discharges in these areas, it has been possible to temporarily inhibit the oral expression of these languages). A particular neuronal damage can erase a language from the hard drive, uninstall it.
That is what has happened to me. I partially forgot English (which I started learning at age 7, if that was important) and the whole Basque (which started learning at age 17).
I would like to thank all the family and friends for their support; especially the role played by Patxi Larrion and Alberto Barandiaran, who, in addition to covering me these weeks, have offered to teach me the Basque language, in the sincere conviction that the process itself has been able to free the fat from memory and to recount the thread of life so far. I am very grateful to you.
But, with the utmost respect, I get over the job of learning a new language. It is also as complicated as the Basque Country. I don't think about that anymore. If I was younger... Work does not leave me time for anything and the crisis does not make things easier. You have to be able to measure your own capabilities. English is essential today, and if not, I have long been happy to learn German (which in the current economic situation offers many way out), so that I can finally understand the Lieder de Schubert who has helped me so much in the hospital and read it in the original of Zettels Traum, among other things.
I have a very special love and I will always keep the Basque, not in vain have I passed it by his side (is it by chance?) It's exactly half my life. I sincerely wish you, in so far as you can, to develop and access areas that are still forbidden to you, from the plurality and freedom of the speakers, without imposition. Not infrequently, when I hear Basque songs, I'm dominated by melancholy; I don't realize the meaning of words, but I understand them in depth, because sensibility -- like birds' jets don't need translators -- goes to the heart. Not being able to read the books in Basque Country that I wrote, sometimes it makes me sad; but there is so much to read and for something they do not return...
I avoid the old acquaintances, some of them very intimate, because it bothers me to oblige them to Spanish and it bothers me to forget me and, with the most animated conversation, to continue speaking in Basque among them, when they laugh or come down, ask me if they will talk about me.
Through this open letter, goodbye, thank you all so far.
(Translated into writing).
When: 21 December.
Where: Bilbao in the Arena.
Every year Bilbao will be on the 21st of December. The cider and talo, protagonists of the day, is the day of the fair of St. Thomas. This year,... [+]
Goldatz talde feministak antolatua, ortziralean, urtarrilaren 3an, Jantzari dokumentala proiektatuko dute Beralandetan (17:30ean) eta biharamunean, urtarrilaren 4an, Berako bestetako tradizioak aztergai izanen dituzte Maggie Bullen antropologoarekin leku berean (10:30).