Mokofinen zorrozkilero nagusia frantsesa izango da. Besteak beste, jaten eta edari, biak plantatzen ez dira ez kamutsak gure iparraldeko auzoak. Irabazpide emankor bihurtu ere. Eta guk, bestetxeko edo etxekoneko on, ikasi. Irabazpide, negozio, tratu... Izan ere, tratularitarako euskalduna! Jatenari dagokionez, hemengo sukaldariek egundalakoak egin dituztela jakina da. Edari kontutan, ordea, nire ustea zeharo bestelakoa da. Mahats-ardotan frantziar eskola horri etekinen bat kentzen diogu, baina hortik kanpo ezer gutxi. Badugu, bai, non ekina: muztioak, zukuak, sagardoak, udare-ardoak, garagardoak, likoreak, uxualak...
Lehengoan aipatzen nuen Citadelle gin frantziarra. Hemeretzi landareren azal, zuku, hazi eta abarrekin egiten dutela diote, eta banan-banan marrazki bidez erakusten dituzte botilan. Hala omen. Hemen nire amen-omena: itxura besterik ez da, eta formula terralpean ezkutatuz gina haizatu nahi dute. Marrazkiak halamoduzkoak dira eta landareak ez dira zehatz-mehatz ezagutzeko eran azaltzen. Landareetan argien azpimarratzen dena bere urrutiko jatorria da, exotikotasuna, alegia. Adibidez, laranja azala Mexikotik ekarritakoa dela dio, sinistatzen al duzu? Laranjeta Mediterraneora edo Asia aldera jo beharrean Mexikora? Mexikon bada Mexikoko laranjondoa izena duen landare bat, Choisya ternata. Haren loreak laranjondo arruntarenaren antzekoak dira eta hostoak igurtziz gero usain zitriko nabarmena askatzen du. Gingintzan erabilitako benetako landarea gordean jaso nahi dute eta Mexikoren sona soila erabili? Zer tankera ematen diozu?
Ez nau harritzen. Dunkerquen egiten dute gin hau, eta bere kai aldameneko gotorlekua edo zitadelatik hartua du “Citadelle” izena. Portu estrategikoa izaki, Frantziako handienetakoa da. Espainia, Ingalaterra, Herbehereak, Alemania, Frantzia, denak aritu izan dira hiri hau eta, berarekin, Mantxako kanalaren kontrola bereganatzeko guda ahaleginetan. Dunkerquek ezeren sona badu bere kortsarioen azioena da. Okerkeria horien bidez, mundu guztitik Europarantz zetozen itsasontziak harrapatu eta harrapakatzen zituzten. Tartean espeziak zekartzatenak. Portuarekin lotzen dute egileek gin horren landare oparotasuna.
Inoiz bertako inauteetara hurbiltzeko aukerarik izanez gero ez alferrik galdu. Soilik egun horietan 1983an asmatutako edari berezia hartzen dute: “Diabolo flamand”. Gina, limoi edari zuria eta bioleta ziropa ditu. Zale amorratu taldea ere badu edari honek, LNPDF, Ligue Nationale de Protection du Diabolo Flamand.
The day exceeds the night with the spring equinox. This year it happened on 20 March, at 22:59 hours, opening the door of the spring. The Eki prefix means the same thing. Until then the night had been longer. The day and night were twelve hours. Since then, the day is extended... [+]
Time has been on our line for a long time, but the climate is relatively recent. There is no need to clarify too much what climate change is. Explaining what the landscape is is a redder necessity. Conferences, round tables or international conferences on climate change are... [+]
It's time to pick up the fruits and get them on the way to the lagar. Pear (Pyrus communis), apple (Malus x domestica), grape (Vitis vinifera)... It seems a short and quick road, but you have to work a lot of rodeos and their variants until the fruit becomes must and must become... [+]
In the Basque Country, agriculture is the history of permanent colonization. Like everywhere. Before, the land was not cultivated; before, the harvest was not sown; you enjoyed what was not eaten before. They had brought it all from elsewhere. Many of these stories have been... [+]
Returning to the wines that are made with the crops, the left madreselva (Humulus lupulus) is conservative and bitter tasting aggregator. The union of crops and madreselvas produces many dirty jets, especially in beer countries. A friend has just explained to me the stories of... [+]
In our house we met him with the name of madreselva (Humulus lupulus). In fact, we have worked hard and sinister on the banks of the river in our country, coinciding with the expansion of beer. We've learned that it's also called lobster, beer, beer, wart and grass on the left... [+]
Spring has brought the issue to my nose. C. worked at various research centers in New York. Bushdid, M. Oh! Magnasco, L.B. Vosshall and A. An article published by scientists Keller in March 2014 in the prestigious “Science Magazine” produced a great stir. The title says it... [+]
The curious interannual days end, those who eat and drink from the emanations of the earth. I'll eat from the best to the best. Supposedly. Heavy champagne and cava bottles are easy to dance. Even though they are of all kinds today, they were once the cider of the other barrel... [+]