Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

"At the first level you can't be a very cold person."

  • Among appendicitis, delays and controversy, Xala is the last champion of the manomanist after winning last year’s almost epic final against Aimar Olaizola. Despite not being a fan of the conversation, the striker has been very close and friendly in the mourning, always accompanied by laughter.
Yves Sallaberry 'Xala'
Yves Sallaberry "˜Xala"™Dani Blanco
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

It's been a year, and how do you remember the news conference that you offered excited at Irun to ask the company to play you the manomanist's end?

It seems that ten years have passed, I am sorry; it happened and I do not have a very clear memory. It's true that it was an intense moment, but I think the body and the mind are well made to move forward and let hard times be forgotten. There are other championships coming, we have to prepare again... and we have to deal with new things.

You spoke harshly, because you felt humiliated by the company. Has your relationship with Aspe changed?

No, it hasn't changed. In that moment, I felt humiliated, but then I played the final, won and turned it around. For them, I'm one more pelotari and I have to keep working: if I'm fine, and if not, at home, that's what the pelotaris know. This is our world, the world of sport. I don't work in the factory, but I think they play like any company, we're the older ones and the workers, but we're also very lucky, because we can live out of the ball. We have to prepare well, take care of our body and play many games if possible, and that's why we charge very well.

In the end you were able to contest the Manomanist's end and win the txapela. You demonstrated passion and rage on the fronton, but I would say that in the newly finished final of the Couples Final you have lacked that strength. Do you sometimes miss going to the court with a little rage?

In the last finals they played better, we made a quite irregular championship and in the final also felt that, Laskuk and I failed in some fools of ball and the game left us. The end is always hard to play, but it's true that a lot of people have told me I lacked inspiration. Still, it's hard to say whether I needed more genius or not, it's a very short time for the party and the body and the head don't always match. Many factors are interspersed in the competition, and something you have not planned always happens. Always having to stop is not easy, all athletes have very good moments, with the nerve, the spark and the desire, and at other times you do not feel so strong.

And do you work on it? Do you prepare yourself psychologically to motivate yourself?

I started working that five or six years ago and I was two or three years old, because I realized that in the world of the ball it was necessary to be more aggressive than it was, that all the pelotars around played more aggressively and in that world I learned to be more aggressive, because if I wanted to stay there I had to do the same thing, and now I'm more aggressive than at the beginning. If you lose the matches, for example, you learn a lot: give pain and say to yourself, “enough, I have to get back right, motivate myself and take back strength.” The head and body go together, and in my case, if I feel well the body, with spark and with strength, the head follows it easily, but if you see in the workouts that it is hard for you to move the ball, without strength… that is where the most work has to do the head so that the physical humiliation does not eat your head. In the last championship, for example, I have not been at a standstill, but I think I have been left with my head and in the end we have managed to reach the end.

You're known for cold pelotari. Do you look like this?

I consider myself a normal person, if I lose I feel pain and I gain joy. To keep me in the foreground for so long, I think it's not possible to be a very cold person, you need a little bit of genius, even though people often see me that way out. People also see that there are pelotaris that have more genius or make more gestures, but from the inside I don't feel cold.

You live in Baiona, but you go often to Lekuine. Do you like quiet?

Yes, Dad and Mom are in Lekuine, it is a very small and quiet town and I like that after training hard I go only to Mount Lekuine or to fish. In love of loneliness and nature, I feel good there, in the mountains, among the trees, by the river and even at sea, surfing for example, and we have an appropriate environment for it. That's the motivation I have in life, in addition to the ball. It serves me to recover, to reinvent myself, to free myself from workouts and stress, in some way.

In the pediment, on the other hand, you have achieved more txapelas in pairs than in solitaire. Do you prefer to play with your partner?

I love playing solo, but you have to be on top, mostly physically. It's harder, but if you're feeling physically right and you're inspired, it's awesome to blow your head. If you've behaved well, you're very happy. By couples, it's different, you have to look at the tactic, you have to fix yourself well with the bucket. If I win, I prefer to do it alone, and if we lose, with the partner, so you can always say that it's not your fault, ha, ha.

How does it affect you to be left-handed on the court?

We have some advantages for the left, but we have to work a lot with the right, especially to defend ourselves broadly, because it's hard to position ourselves well and remove the ball. To play on the left wall, I wish it could be on the right. Is it possible that you make the wall on the right one day, no? Let’s change site, ja, ja, ja, ja, and then it’ll be something else…

In 2010 she participated as a journalist and presenter in the documentary Iparraldea XXI, which aims to show the young people of Hego Euskal Herria the existence of a different Iparralde, promoted by Euskal Kultur Erakundea. What was the experience like?

I usually tell them no, I don't like to talk much, but I did because a friend asked me. The experience was very good and we had a very good time. For example, despite living in Baiona, he did not know the actions that dantzaris perform on the streets of Baiona on the determined days.

The North is very small, for example the South is very large, with larger towns, and the people of the South often come to our country in search of smaller and quiet places, I would say. I feel that this is a healthy place, with clean air, with beautiful landscapes, beaches, mountains… A healthy place to live.

You learned Basque when you're an adult. For the ball?

When I was little I knew it, my father and my mother do it, but I forgot it at school, although I've always understood it, but Iparralde's Basque, and he talked little. When I entered the world of the ball, as I spoke with difficulty in Euskera, I spent two or three months at AEK and then I learned Euskera in the pediment, with masseur, with pelotaris… If I had not started playing ball in the south, I might have forgotten it, or I would have understood it alone, but I had not spoken it. It can be said that I have learned to play ball and speak in Basque in Hegoalde. After all, the Basque Country has served to better develop you in the world of the ball: you start talking in the changing rooms, you make contacts… With Oskar Lasa I made a very good relationship, for example, with Lasku, Zubieta… and with many people. I've learned Basque with them, but also with you, because I'm working to do this interview, don't think, I need to concentrate to talk. I always learn.

From the world of the ratchet you salted to the frontons with the help of Panpi Ladutxe.

Yes, at the age of 20, you're really excited and my father and my mother agreed to rehearse, I didn't work and I put my forces on it, I had to give it all up. I had the confidence of Panpi and I trained a lot with him, only the two and a half years, to get to know the ball of the fronts, the effects, how to locate it… Panpi is a teacher: to teach him how to play, he knows what to do and he knows how to teach him how to do it, and not everyone knows that. As a ratchet player I needed a lot to change the pediment and he taught me, for example, how to put my hand with the hook, how to put my back, where to take the ball exactly… because he said that with a single centimeter of difference he can win or lose the game, and knowing how to put right with the hook is essential in the pediment. When you start planting on the left from a young age you're ten or fifteen years old to learn how to hook up, but if you start at twenty-five years old like me, you need a very good teacher who tells you exactly how to do it, who teaches you how to work ten years in a year.

It would be a great sacrifice...

Training a ball I've never felt the sacrifice, you train hard but you work at ease, working to improve the game. I understand sacrifice as something that is above you, more spiritual than physical. See the trout in the river and let it go, perhaps!

You live a lot of fishing...

Yes, yes. I have two or three friends that they like and we warm our heads up, we don't weigh any limits.

In your hands you have not had as many problems as others, but they play many games, hard, long championships… How does all this affect you?

I started training with more tacos three years ago and since then I have not had hand pain, I feel like I enjoy training and I have fresh hands for the matches, but although I feel good hands, I suffer in the knee, in the shoulder, in the waistline… yes, if I juice many matches. I do three championships a year and it is difficult to prepare the body for the three; the Couples has been long now, then you have to regain strength for the Manomanist, then comes the summer and then the Four and Half. Little rest. If you lose in the first phase you have the opportunity to rest, but in recent years I have come a long way in almost all championships and you have little time to recover and turn around. Still, it is better to reach the end.

They always revolve around the question of balls, if they are too alive, if it is appropriate to standardize them and establish limited criteria or leave free the choice without limits…

It is difficult because the fronts are very different and from there, also the balls, depending on whether they play in one or another pediment. For example, if you're always playing in Bilbao, you could make a ball for that pediment within a few minutes, but at the same time, if you don't leave more than a particular ball, you'll be taking advantage of a pelotari with some features, it's hard to guess where to put the measure. There are so many fronts, so many different lands, frontis… There are so many factors to consider. Humidity, people, heat -- all of that influences the choice of the ball. However, now I see the ball better than before, they are not so alive and so low, I see them more dimensioned and in that sense I believe that companies are doing a good job.

The professional level is in the hands of Aspe and Asegarce. Do you agree with this sports model or do you think it should be more open?

It's hard, there's money accounts behind, it's the usual thing. The contracts of the pelotaris are in the hands of these companies, and I do not know whether it would influence the involvement of other companies, at the moment I would say that we are getting along well.

This year you will be 33 years old. What did age bring you?

As a pelotari is very good, I feel good, physically strong, I don't get tired like before and I'm strong, to run, to play on the pediment, besides you have experience and that gives you advantage. And outside the fronts, I hope to live many years and therefore in old age I will tell you what years have been the best, but it is true that now I am at ease, being to the ball also makes you comfortable in life. Yeah, I'm doing fine.

Nortasun agiria

Yves Sallaberry ‘Xala’ 1979an jaio zen Lekuinen (Lapurdi), eta sarri bertaratzen den arren, Baionan du bizilekua. Aspeko fitxaren arabera, pilotari ezkerrak 1,80 metroko altuera eta 80 kilo ditu, Eibarko Astelena frontoian debutatu zuen 2000. urtean eta hiru txapela lortu ditu maila gorenean: Binakakoan irabazitako bi, eta Buruz buruko txapelketako bat. Fitxan ez du jartzen, baina frontoian airezko kolpea du arma nagusi. “Eroso sentitzen naiz eskuinarekin boleaz sartzen”, dio berak.

Azken Hitza

“Garaipena gogoratzen dudanean oroitzapen pozgarriak ditut, baina txapelketak herrenkadan etortzen dira bata bestearen atzetik eta ez duzu denbora askorik horretan pentsatzeko, azkar igarotzen da dena. Pilotatik kanpo, bestalde, beste bizimodu bat dut, eta hor ez diot denbora gehiegi eskaintzen txapelean pentsatzeari. Gainera hemen baldin banago adibidez, Miarritzen edo Angelun, jendeak askotan ez du pilota ezagutu ere egiten eta agian hobeto da, hemen biziz gero erraz ahazten duzu pilota, eta ondorioz baita txapela ere”.

2012ko maiatzaren 27a
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