Garbine Ubeda asked me to tell her why she wanted to talk about Ellande Larralde as a Izura singer. If I had at least one of the passionate patriots! I crossed the bridge of the Holy Spirit to go to work and, looking at the Tuna, I said: "Why not?" ". The tide was rising, drowning on the waves the personal memory of four decades ago. I had already touched. A melody from Etxamendi and Larralde stimulated me: what I go down the road...
The journey was not over.
I met Jean Errekart as a professor of zootechnics in high school. On the slate, with a slight creed, the cows drew us, emphasizing the longitudinal axes of the huts. All of a sudden he paused in the war in Algeria and suffered forever the consequences of the terrible accident. Out of class, I was cheering the school singing groups and studying the old Basque hymns ... Eñaut Etxamendi came to talk about economics and I think they shaped the way to see the future of the young people of Amikuze. It was a dream beyond the need to learn, because on weekends we had the opportunity to listen to both. We were on mobilization then.
Together with the meetings of the women’s group meeting in the Franciscans of Donapaleu, we enjoyed the cross-voices of Etxamendi and Larralde, or the poetry of Manex Erdozaintzi-Etxart. An amazing gift. Amikuze was overcoming the sad times of the rural exodus that the people had emptied, creating a ikastola, worrying society about the situation of the Basque country. In that Terra Nullius the song fed the roots of hope, in two of his mouths he had sung epic. To capella. It's amazing to see how far our guts had gone with so few means. On the altar of our stars are Etxamendi and Larralde, on the ribs of Janis Joplin and Bob Dylan.
He was President of Céline Irratia, organizer of the Singing Championships, of the Aita family. Classifying the memories, I would like to retain the image of the mythical singer, of the voice he shouted in the desert in the yoke of Etxamendi.
My friend is a song ...
Urtarrila amaieran ezarri zieten 5.000 euroko isuna ordaintzen laguntzeko txartelak jarri dituzte Herria, Marruma eta Platero tabernetan.
"Konfiantza eta gertutasuna" oinarri izango duen Udaltzaingo eredua nahi dute Zumaia, Getaria eta Azpeitiko udalek. Horretarako, udalerri horiek ondo ezagutuko dituzten bost udaltzain kontratatuko dituzte elkarrekin eta hautagaiei B2 euskara maila ere eskatuko diete.
49 urte preso pasa ondoren, libre utzi dute Leonard Peltier AEBetako ekintzaile autoktonoa. Otsailaren 18 honetan heldu da bere senide eta lagunen artera 80 urte dituen preso-ohia.
In the Maszycka cave in Poland, remains of 18,000 years ago were found at the end of the 19th century. But recently, human bones have been studied using new technologies and found clear signs of cannibalism.
This is not the first time that a study has reached this conclusion,... [+]
Porzheim, Germany, February 23, 1945. About eight o’clock in the evening, Allied planes began bombing the city with incendiary bombs. The attack caused a terrible massacre in a short time. But what happened in Pforzheim was overshadowed by the Allied bombing of Dresden a few... [+]
On February 3rd, the time has begun to pre-enroll our children and young people in schools, and as every year we would like to remind you why we do not think it is a good idea to enroll them in religion. Last year we finished the article saying that “many of you will be... [+]
From the Association of Parents of the Instituto Arratia Small Tram we want to encourage reflection on the use of screens in the learning community.
Lately there is a lot of concern about the impact of screens on children and adolescents. This responsibility extends from... [+]