Hazi Hezi, a family education journal, was born. Understanding the house broadly, encompassing the whole community: parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, caregivers...
Seventeen years ago, a group of teachers created a tool that could help in the education of children and young people: Hik Hasi aldizkaria. However, when starting to meet this need of teachers, the needs of domestic education were evidenced: domestic education must be accompanied by school, school education must complete the domestic, both must go in the same direction... To do so, the need to create a new household instrument was seen.
Throughout these years, various national and international studies and realities have taught us that when the home and school work together, the results are much better in all areas. In fact, school and family are two institutions with the same goal. The objective of both is the integral development of the child or young person: physical, cognitive, psychic, emotional, social development... In short, the child and young woman feel well, both with themselves and in society, that is, they are happy.
We have had major changes in a short period of time, in all areas, especially in the speed of life. This has entailed important changes in the way we understand society and the family, in relationships, in the way we teach... That's why we need new models, creative people and criteria for change, with their own opinions, to act according to consciousness ... It is no longer enough for people to be honored and prepared in studies; responsible people are needed. And that starts at home.
Parents are increasingly concerned about the development and education of the child. There are more and more questions about the education of the child. However, at a time when there is more information than ever on the Internet, books, media and on the street, it is urgent to help identify reliable and quality sources. In fact, you have to explain some guidelines that are basic, to help fix your legs well, give yourself safety and help you see things are doing well.
If we want to improve Basque society, it would be good to look at the contributions of the world with our glasses, and bring what is good. But it would be more basic to follow our own thinking and our sincerity.
The new journal Hazi Hezi strengthens the Basque media network and will collaborate with the objective of strengthening the Basque community among all. For starters, he was born in collaboration with the Irrien Lagunak and guraso.com groups.
Greenland, the end of the 10th century. The first Scandinavian explorers and settlers arrived on the island. But by the 15th century these settlements had been abandoned and the original Inuit remained. But in 1721, the missionary Hans Egede organized an expedition and the... [+]
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There are three knots that complicate our coexistence in the Basques, and for many years, despite our patience and determination, we are unable to break free from these ties. There are at least three knots of the moment: prisoners, Basque, immigrants.
With the new year we are... [+]
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It is the habit of making decisions that will change our lives with the beginning of the new year. We make lists on three points: one, more sports practice; two, seeing old friends more often; three, going back to Iceland, real and metaphorically. As the months go by, we realize... [+]
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