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Arrival of other tunes

  • A new wind blows from the House. Baga biga. Duration: 35’35’’. EUR 11.
Berriz's hasn't stopped since he won a musical competition and got a foot in the music wheel. This is the fourth album and this time it has gone from group projects of last seasons to the couple. His music has always had a great impact and it's also here, but the little traces he left on the ground when making his previous album, Heldu by hand, have become bigger and has now been released more safely to the path of country, American rock and folk. They are songs nearby, exciting, with the ETXE brand and sung in pairs, but thanks to the guitar work of Iban Gurrutxaga, they have been able to catch other sonorities. I guess Johnny Cash and his relative Petti were about to visit the recording studio.
Etxe: "Nire musika ahalik eta zabalena egiten ahalegindu naiz beti"

Aurreko laneko talde izaera galdu eta ia biluzik atera zara Iban Gurrutxagarekin…

Haize berri batek egin dit putz eta proiektua aldatzera bultzatu nau. Kantu akustikoak eta lasaiak egin nahi nituen, jendearengandik hurbilago sentitu. Horretarako talde izaera alde batera utzi dut eta bidelagun berria aurkitu; Iban Gurrutxagaren lana izugarria izan da, asko eman dit.

Albiste berria, Hori da dena, Zatoz nerekin, Taupadak, Lurralde bakarra... Kantu gehienek izena eta abizena dute. Lagungarriagoa da aurpegia jarrita konposatzea?

Guztiek ez dute izena, baina kantu askok bai. Errazagoa izateaz gain, sentimendu gehiagorekin abesten dut norbaiti zuzentzen ari banatzaio. Baina garrantzitsuena entzule bakoitzak kantua bere egitea da.

Lurralde bakarra moduko kantuekin eta oro har disko honekin entzule nagusiagoak hurbilduko zaizkizula uste duzu? Zer esaten dizute entzule nagusiagoek?

Inoiz ez dut nahi izan jende mota jakin bati abestu. Nire musika ahalik eta zabalena egiten ahalegindu naiz beti. Disko akustikoa izateak jende nagusi gehiago erakarri du. Eskertzekoa da helduek ere gazteon musikari arreta jartzea.

Countrya, folka eta popa. Horiek dira disko honetako osagai nagusienak?

Nik esango nuke countrya dela gehien nabarmentzen dena, aurreko diskoekin konparatuz. Hori Johnny Cashen ‘errua’ izan da. Estilo bakar baten finkatzea baino, nahiago dut beste estilo batzuk nahastu. Aurreko diskoak pop-rock doinuekin sortu nituen. Oraingoan rocka alde batera uztea erabaki dut, eta country edo folk doinuetan sartzea.

“Atzean ez da ezer ikusten, ezta ere aurrean; ur korronteak idatziko du nire etorkizuna”, poesia hutsa. Hitz guztiak zureak dira...

Batzutan nahi gabe ateratzen dira hitz ederrak. Kantu hori Gerra Zibilean Euskal Herritik alde egin behar izan zutenei eskainia da.

AHT Pause denounces the existence of situations of slavery in the works of the AVE of Navarre
The workers of the fast train that is being built in Navarre denounce that they are in a state of slavery during the press conference of the association AHT Pause in Pamplona.

The fight between Trump and Democratic prosecutors may hinder the deportation of migrants
John C. from USA Judge Coughenoiur has approved a joint appeal filed by the states of Washington, Arizona, Illinois and Oregon, rejecting Donal Trump’s decree to expel children of non-legal migrants born in the United States.

2025-01-24 | Julene Flamarique
Burlada denounces the eviction of a woman victim of gender-based violence and her five children
The Socialist Housing Union explains that the social services have not offered any alternative, even if the person concerned has made more than one request. “Before the law, the aggressor and the institutions” denounce the total helplessness that this woman suffers.

“Feminist nationalism is the only option”
Professor and literary critic Júlia Ojeda has come to present the book Màtria o barbàrie (Angle Editorial) at the Casa de las Mujeres in San Sebastián. The 30 Catalan women who have participated in the book propose the construction of the matrix with a focus on nationalist... [+]

June Egino (GKS)
"The austerity policies imposed as a result of the wars hit the workers hard"
The Youth Socialist Coordinator is organising a demonstration on Saturday in Pamplona and Bilbao under the slogan ‘Against War and Fascism’.

2025-01-24 | Sustatu
News from TeknoTrump: According to the oligarchs, the Stargate AA initiative, and the TikTok extension
Donald Trump’s mandate has begun to impose reactionary policies against anything that could be woke or DEI, and also by announcing technological measures. From the first moment, when he took the oath of office, the presence of the heads of the tech giants on the front line was... [+]

2025-01-24 | Gedar
European military spending at the heart of the debate in Davos
NATO Secretary General Mark Rutte agrees with Trump and says that “Europe needs to increase military investment.”

The hiring dossier for the drafting of the HAPO of San Sebastián has excessive language requirements, according to the college of architects
Due to the appeal of the College of Architects, the City Council of San Sebastián rejects the hiring file.

The Congress of Thieves will not be held this year
It is a decision taken by the organizers in the General Assembly: this year they will not organize a Congress of Thieves in Uztaritz. Insufficient motivation is the reason behind the decision.

2025-01-24 | Euskal Irratiak
ELB sindikatuaren zerrendaburu Julen Perez
“Laborarientzako proiektu azkar bat dugu, Euskal Herriari itzulia dena”

Datorren astean Departamenduko Laborantza Ganbarako hauteskundeak ospatuko dira Ipar Euskal Herrian. Frantzia mailako FDSEA eta CR sindikatuez gain, ELB Euskal Herriko Laborarien Batasuna aurkezten da, "euskal laborarien defentsa" bermatzeko.

The assassination of Ordóñez in the context of "Oldázar" and "Alternative democrática"
This Thursday marks the 30th anniversary of the murder of ETA councillor Gregorio Ordóñez of PP in San Sebastián. It was an attack that caused a special impact in Basque society for several reasons. He opened the door to the attacks against the councilors of the PP and the... [+]

Recommendations of the labor force to public institutions, a system of scholarships and awards worthy of ethical purpose
Scholarships and awards from public institutions. A document entitled A Constructive Critique has been published by the Lanarte Association. News disseminates the summary, and having obtained the report, here is the series of recommendations that the association makes to... [+]

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