It just passed on 15 May. In our country, I would say that it makes no sense of the other world, that we do not live so intensely. But it is true that we have learned to live angry with us, that a year ago we did not get angry, we did not wake up, we did not rise. When I say our, don't think I mean just Euskal Herria, I mean ours, to quote what we call social movement, ours, to quote what the ability to mobilize the people means, ours is ours to refer to those who teach the teeth to that heteropatriarchal capitalist system.
We know here that this democratic paradise for peace that we live in today is unpeaceful and democratic. That the police force does not understand peace, never understands it, that right-wing and violent political forces and measures have nothing peaceful, that machismo lives an incomparable state of health, and a thousand more.
First of all, we must tell ourselves that we live every day some M-15. For our lives not to be consumed with anger and despair, there are many of us who take the streets permanently, who do not bow down to chauvinist, lesbofobas, authoritarian and repressive aggressions, who travel thousands of kilometers every weekend, who try to adapt to the new forms of struggle and to the new scenarios, which we try to see the value of the rest of the pedagogical work....
Because the indigenous word has always had a touch of resignation for me, and the term dignity has often made me skip alarms. But what's undeniable is that all of that exists. That in the Spanish State we are experiencing an extreme situation, which is to create a reactivation of the movements, and that, if only for that, I will rejoice at the day that this year plays on the M-12.
I repeat myself every morning that I have the right to make this life more habitable, to fight for or against what I think I have the right, not to despair, perhaps and even little, so that the result that will paint France in red on the European scene can make me happy, not to see the newsstand, to move forward with my own, to lose one day the papers, to fight for love and hatred in the next. After all, yes, because that's our M-15. Nothing else.
Bi erizainetatik batek lanean eraso sexistak jasaten dituela azalerazi du Erizainen Ordenak joan den urte bukaeran egin ikerketak. 21.000 erizainek ihardetsi dute, sektore pribatu, publiko eta liberaletik. Hauetan 2.500 gizonak dira.
Greenland, the end of the 10th century. The first Scandinavian explorers and settlers arrived on the island. But by the 15th century these settlements had been abandoned and the original Inuit remained. But in 1721, the missionary Hans Egede organized an expedition and the... [+]