For those of us who do not have first-hand information and are mere spectators, it is difficult to understand the nature and objectives of the new committee set up in the Basque Parliament. His work has focused on the great terms of peace and coexistence. But conflict has become a source of conflict and a sterile media circus for many.
The news is not the creation of the committee, but the three Aralar parliamentarians have voted in favour of the committee and have taken the lead in the initiative. They can take advantage of the opportunity offered by the law and have full right and freedom to maintain their position, which puts us before a question: Are political representatives due to the people or the party? Political awareness and coherence have been arguments for their behaviour. I myself could hardly understand the trio’s attitude: Firstly, because the committee will hardly bear productive fruit; secondly, because the members of Aralar have ignored the mandate of the democratically elected leadership; and finally, because it will only create a layer of fog to conceal the real problems of this country.
Everything points out that the unlegalized Abertzale left can only be part of the committee of inquiry by writing addressed to EH Bildu. In the political situation in which we find ourselves, if one of the agents for peace and coexistence is offered a secondary participation, it is logical that he does not accept the invitation. It is logical that the Abertzale left refuses to participate in the paper that will have the veto of pp, from any point of view. For what purpose and for whom is this committee going to serve?
At a time when we are experiencing profound cuts in basic services under the pretext of the economic crisis, the parliamentarians we pay with everyone’s money will meet every Wednesday at a table, with no clear north and no results, as we know beforehand.
If these initiatives are not effective, there is something to be done at this time.
When the political situation continues without clear progress, this committee exercises the function of anaesthesia, as does football, the elephants of Bourbon and the timos of Urdangarin.
With the permission of Joseba Sarrionandia: Are we lost in the fog?
Duela hemeretzi urte berpiztu zen libertimenduen usadioa Donibane Garazin. Antton Lukuk abiatu zuen mugimendu hori, eta bi hamarkadetan, Ipar Euskal Herriko herri desberdinetara ez ezik, Hegoaldera ere hedatu da. Zortzi libertimendu muntatu dira aurten, eta datozen asteetan,... [+]