Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa


The economic cutbacks, the mass expulsions, the minority social conquests, the welfare state at risk of poverty, have brought us to this situation political waste, deplorable démarches, the shameful enrichment of the big ones and the fraudulent and corrupt actions of politicians. The philosophy and ideology of this neoliberal system, in short, which makes the rich richer and the poor poorer. We seem to be in an extremely serious situation. That we are about to fall the depth of the ravine. That seems. And it seems to me that on the street every day, when you get out of your job and you're going to have a wine, you see the crowded bars of people, no matter how much a day of arrest. For dinner on Saturdays and Sundays in any restaurant, please make an appointment. There are also few who have enjoyed the holidays of Easter. But with the excuse of the crisis, instead of going to the Norwegian Fjords for the four days, chances are they will have stayed with the fiery sun of Benidorm or Algeciras, and those who think they will go to the final of the Copa del Rey that Athletic will play will not know if they will ask for credit at the bank or if they will use the poxis that they have reserved to pay for the trip, stay and the entrance. Crisis? What Crisis? The Supertramp music group. Then you may have to eat studs and cakes to pay your debts! What I've enjoyed, who will take it away from me now? But it's undeniable that the news we see every day is terrible. And this situation, it seems, has not hit the bottom. But with exceptions, in the street, our people do not perceive the image that reflects the real situation. Demonstrations, arrests and strikes continue to be the bread of every day, and there will be those who live in misery and cannot put a mouthful in their mouths, and that, in order to move forward, they have to be made up of a little social aid. But in our streets, this is not so clearly seen. The masses of men and women who have been excluded from the effects of the crisis have become invisible, untouchable, as have those who lack caste from the lowest classes in India. What we do not know is whether this unfair and unsupportive system, once it has passed this nefarious cycle of life (of the person) or life (of the economy), will have the ability to get out of nowhere or ashes, to move forward.

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