Or it is made up of eleven people! [Motor group of the newborn editorial]. The illustrator and artist Idoia Beratarbide and the critic and professor of literature Iratxe Retolaza have been present in a quote to which representatives of the group have come. According to the reading of the culture enthusiasts who met two years ago with the same responsibilities, most publishers, to the extent that they depend on the economic benefits, have chosen to consider the book as a commodity. Edo! It wants to avoid the path that has led to commodification of creation and literature. The editorial bilbaína will publish papers with few publication possibilities and that are usually outside the range of the usual editorials. We refer to short texts, translated works, plays, scripts, drawings, photographs, conferences and non-cataloguing pieces. On the other hand, Edo! has been created with the intention of offering an orderly editing work, although nowadays texts can be hung on the Internet, as it is a quality editing work. Publishers usually have a certain speed, as they have to meet the publishing deadlines. That prevents resting work and if Edo! It has something to offer, that's time. “There are good editing works, but there are many creators who have felt that the publisher has not done a decent job. We want to offer a careful edition to the creators,” said Iratxe Retolaza. Each book will have the editing team that the author deems appropriate and with which he will collaborate. Later, he will be re-read by another who has not been in the group, to give his final opinion from the distance.
The editorial is composed of members, subscribers and collaborators. Its objective is to publish at least five books a year, in physical and digital format, both for a network of subscribers and for one of the partners. To the extent that the financial contribution of the latter is twice that of the subscribers, they will be guaranteed their participation in the project, giving access to the open meetings to be held periodically. In any case, the lack of money is not a limiting factor for participating in the project. Colleagues may, at their choice, receive regular collaborations or permanent responsibilities. One of Edo's bets! It's been taking care of design and graphic look and giving it the importance it needs. He wants not only to give importance to the word, but also to the image. “Compared to the ones here, design is very carefully cared for in foreign publishers, both at the aesthetic level and when editing graphic works. Here the illustrations of the books are almost always aimed at children, not adults. We want to recover the works that are not published and, in addition, publish the works carefully so that the author is happy”, says Idoia Beratarbide. Among the five books that are expected to be published in 2012 is a work by illustrator Maite Gurrutxaga, a replica of the notebook that each day carries on, a more intimate work along with the illustrations that she usually has. In addition, the cover of each work will be made by an artist in the three collections that will be hosted by the editorial. There are three sections Begikoak –illustrated album, graphic novel, photography, art...–; Literola, –essay, narration, novel, poetry, theatre...– and Xortak –few page texts: conferences, short essays, opinion articles, interviews, manifestos…–.
Teamwork and harvest 2012
Edo! is an open project, although the group has remained “closed” until fundamental decision-making in the first steps, today it has the doors open to everyone. Since the beginning of the year, partners and collaborators have been sought and, as Retolaza remembers: "It's about us being large enough and getting close to all the people we want. We are open to further reflection. From now on the meetings will be open, so that all partners can come.” Or! He wants to get the actors that are in the literary system into the network. The fact that each member of the motor group has come from different areas of creation – either Sareina, or Mikelazulo Kultur Elkartea... – has had an advantage and has enriched the network previously. The voluntary work of this network has meant a new work, a compendium of articles, scheduled for 2012. It will gather experiences about transfeminism through the contributions of activists in this field such as Medeak and translated academic articles such as Judith Butler, Beatriz Preciado… All of this, together with the attempt to compose the books in a different way, has tried to agree some points with the majority of the authors, giving importance to the exchange of information. “Also in the ways of making the book we want to promote the collective character. That’s why things are slower,” Retolaza stressed. It is precisely in this partnership that the actions of the project partners have also been based. “The fact that there are so many on the team supports the debate. It learns to delegate the work, to respect the work of others, to learn from each other” said Idoia Beratarbide.
The five books scheduled for 2012 will be published on paper and in digital format, although it is still waiting for what position to take in the digital world, although the main criterion is that of gratuity. After contacting other publishers, they have received answers of all kinds and, in addition to the five safe copies to be published each year, they have the possibility of obtaining more work in digital format, not forgetting that the number of people who come to volunteer work will also condition the progress of work. In addition to the aforementioned collection of articles and replicas of the notebook of Maite Gurrutxaga, the program will feature a graphic report by Gari Garaialde with black and white photographs. There is also a reflection on the applause and spectacle of Harkaitz Cano, and finally, what about Karmele? Screenplay written by Samara Velte. Edo! It's got the doors open for creators. Many works have already been offered to them and the members' assembly will make a selection of the books, as the number of editable copies will be determined by the budget.
Aiming to influence society
The principles upon which the editorial is based have been sufficiently clear in the presentation dossier that Edo! has prepared for the press (can be read at the following Internet address: www.argitaletxeaedo.org/?page_id=10). It is independent of any political or other institution, and it wants to promote critical thinking. In the process of the last two years they have met with other publishers and agents, and most of them have emphasized the need for this project. Or! It doesn't look for a clash with other publishers. Its intention is not “to replace what is in the field of publications, but quite the opposite: to complete and enrich the existing offer”.
From your reading, that's right. It recognizes the losses of the aforementioned commodification and looks for a different direction for the editorial. “There are some deadlines for publishing, either at the Durango Fair or on Book Day. Publishers move to these periods because they have to sell, because they have workers. We with volunteering would like to avoid such a mechanism,” says Retolaza. Along with this, one of the most attractive features of Edo! It's his attempt to be a social agent, because he believes that cultural creation not only has something to offer society, but it can also influence society. “There is a philosophy of book socialization, usually linked to publication and press conferences. Our responsibility is not just to publish, but to create a debate about the book, through initiatives, events, round tables. The editorial wants to assume the responsibility of creating a social dynamic about the book”. The deadline for collecting members and subscribers for 2012 has been set at San Juan Day. You can already visit on Facebook and Twitter as well as on the website www.argitaletxeaedo.org. Welcome you, or rather!
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