In order to deal well with the issue of BASQUE PRISONERS, its historical context should be clearly specified, otherwise the lubose view of each moment can give us a significant distortion of the close. And that context is the end of the conflict that Basque society has experienced in the last half century. Remove the conflict if you want and put an end to ETA, because there the consensus is wider. The thing is, we come from conflict and we go to coexistence, or that's what you want. And going back to prison policy, this phrase means we're going from a situation where they're imprisoned to a reality that doesn't exist.
We're in that transition, in one of those curves that fit into that difficult and abrupt path. It is all along this path, from different points of view, insults, setbacks, acceptance, tragedies... and two elements that are never put at the center of violent conflicts, but that are key in the construction of coexistence: suffering and people's rights. This is a perspective that no one can lose at the moment, Madrid, Lakua, parties, the media... and, of course, a perspective that prisoners cannot lose with the prisoners, because in order to do this, they will also need a very broad consensus.
Disguised or not, that path will come from a political agreement. In this sense, the response of the voices of the PP caves to the plan of the Interior Ministry, Jaime Mayor Oreja, is a good example: “It’s a mistake to say that prison policy doesn’t change and then make another plan.” “There is no change in prison policy,” says Mariano Rajoy himself. But El Mundo clearly answers that until ETA dissolves there will be no approaches, “yes, ETA will not dissolve and there will
be approaches”. The question is whether there is movement or not, and everything indicates yes, there is something, if not the PP Government already had enough to leave everything as it was and ready. The key is the interpretation of the movements, which has been six months since ETA announced the end of its armed struggle and that the ball of immobilism has remained in the court of the Spanish Government. And it's moved.
It is obviously not enough, it is only a principle, but it sets out where the rules of the game are and if that is the same, at the end of the armed conflict, it shows the relations of forces. In this area, the State has won and will mark the end. Moreover, if the political use of prisoners during the conflict has been constant, the State will continue to do so during the end of the conflict. That is the most important area that the Abertzale left cannot control in its unilateral decisions, and on the contrary, that is the only and decisive framework that the State has grasped to the end of the armed conflict, until now the
Abertzale left has acted with great skill and has managed to make a leap, with force, from political marginalization to the political foreground. But it is not entirely realistic to think that a leap in size will take place without any payment. It may not be enough to swallow everything that Spanish legislation requires, or yes, that it is time and that it is the Abertzale left itself that evaluates.
And in the area of prisoners, the response of the prisoners will also be in the balance of what the Ministry of the Interior symbolically demands and of those welcome to do to them in the villages, and in the first step each prisoner will have to give and in the second it will have to be valued by the entire Abertzale Left.
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