Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

"How do young people talk to their neighbor? Well in Tuenti the same."

  • The professor Ordiziarra is chained in the network, because she wants it. Inventing a good use of new technologies, they are presented with a thousand useful things: creating content in Basque, motivating students, sharing the work done...
"Testuliburuek ez dute inongo zentzurik. Liburua ixten duzun momentuan zaharkituta geratu dira".
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

He is now a teacher of students and teachers at the HUHEZI Faculty of Mondragon Unibertsitatea, almost all day long. Still, she continues at Ikastola Jakintza de Ordizia with high school students. That is, it teaches Basque and literature to young people. Everyone has a computer on the table.

Do you teach Basque without chalkboard?

In other subjects, they continue to use the slate. I don't use it. All the work is done in network and for the network.

Why that way of working?

I started seven years ago with the Euskal Jakintza project. I saw second-year high school students very demotivated. By then we had already created the blog IKTroak in the ikastola. I thought the blog could be, so to speak, our textbook. I thought that textbooks would be created by ourselves, because the students had the computer, that is, all the content that marks the résumé would be created by us.

How do you do that?

Suppose we have to go over the verb. We put aside textbooks and photocopies. On many occasions, exercises are carried out to fill the voids in the verbs, as the students, instead of holding them passively, gave whole phrases and answers that they themselves created.

It's the same exercises that you create.

For example, if the teacher wants to work the sign in the present, he or she will tell the student to create exercises. Students are the protagonist of the teaching-learning process. It costs a lot more to prepare these kinds of exercises than to fill the void. We also had another objective: that the students fulfill the role of professor. The pair of students creates exercises that work the indicative in the present, the adjacent couples in the past. Well, then one student will show the other the exercises he has prepared. I drove them up, I don't put on the veneer, and I tell them to fill the spaces. I want them to be the protagonists.

Create, teach and share the third goal.

I knew some applications to move the material to the network format. We started making available to others all the material we've created. What was our surprise? Schools, Euskaltegis, etc., started using our material. They congratulated us and thanked us and sometimes asked us: “Why don’t you do these kinds of exercises…”

What did the students say?

I remember what a student said when he did the first exercises and put them on the net. “And now, who will pay us?” And I said, “No, no, no, some of your education is paid by society. You are indebted and you have to return.” Today, students ask when we should publish their article [interviews, for example].

And are students learning more in depth?

Before I was between the teacher and the student, who had given it to me and I had directed the h in red, and the next day I did. In any case, let it be clear that it is not a matter of putting computers in the classroom, many resources are needed to do so.

Will the day come when the textbook will not be used in classrooms?

I think so. Xabier Mendiguren Elizegi [editor] is my friend and six or seven years ago he said to me: “Listen, you said: Wouldn't I go crazy back to textbooks?" “You’re quiet,” I said, but textbooks don’t make any sense; formatting doesn’t make sense, content does. A clear example: We worked Harkaitz Cano and only brought her year of birth and the title of the first book. It makes no sense! By the time the book closes, it has become obsolete. In the works now carried out by the students on Harkaitz Cano, Twist also works, and with the textbooks it would be impossible. I tell you, don't stay with that single source; the network gives that, and you have to know how to be critical, you have to know how to pass the filtering. I see it very clear.

The editor comes back.

I don't think, we know each other, ha, ha. It's unreal, absurd, I don't know how people don't realize it. Students live with a click and a click, you have to see the impact they have! Then they enter the classroom and they close that world. This is given [Has a copy of the light in your hands], but here you can't click and see more things. It's anachronism. What kind of students do we want? Creators? Critics? The force Tar, Tar, Tar -- it's going through our mouths.

Publishers should change course.

There's tremendous potential.

But you create the exercises…

The work of our students will never replace the work that the editorial would do, they are professionals. Our job is not to represent anyone else, but to enter the teaching-learning process of the students.

There's a lot of talk about Euskera on the net, and there's a lot to do.

There is no lack of motivation, everything is yet to be done. Students don't care about language, they move their content to one place or another. If you like the video, you'll click, regardless of whether you're in Basque or in another language. It is therefore very important to find, unintentionally, content as attractive as Euskera, while engaged in fishing.

On the Internet, the Basque Country is a step away from being.

Considering the number of speakers, yes. We're a small, but very active community. The network allows a community with fewer speakers. In addition, there is no option B.

According to the studies, young people on the Internet, in informal situations, develop much better in Spanish and formally use the Basque language to use it.

It's the usual thing. Social media has often been blamed, but what do they do in the street, in school? The same thing they do on social media. How do young people talk to their neighbor? They will do the same in Tuenti. What's that like? Every effort will have to be made to ensure that these young people do not turn to Spanish. It's a difficult, very difficult challenge. I see it every day, you know Euskera, they fix it very well, and all of a sudden you hear about Spanish in the hallways.

We have to make applications, programs, content... in Basque so that they can use them. If you're in Tuenti, in my humble opinion, you don't create a parallel network, we're going to translate Tuenti. We're going to give Wikipedia content. They like games, because we are going to offer them in Basque.

Zenbat tweet?

Etxean mahaiko ordenagailua eta hiru pantaila dauzka. Bi ordenagailu eramangarri, tablet-a, i-phone-a eta mugikorra.

Goizero zer arropa jantzi pentsatzen dugun bezala zuk zein gailu eraman erabakitzen al duzu?

Askotan ez dut jakiten eguna non bukatuko dudan eta gailu asko eramaten ditut badaezpada ere, baina ezinbestekoa mugikorra dut; 24-7, alegia, eguneko 24 orduz eta asteko zazpi egunetan.

Egunean zenbat tweet bidaltzen dituzu?

Saiatzen naiz burutik pasatzen zaidan guztia ez bidaltzen. Bi gauza dauzkat garbi: bata, Twitter kontua ireki baduzu nahi duzun erabilera eman diezaiokezu. Asko edo gutxi bota ditzakezu, tontakeriak edo gauza serioak esan. Ez duzu inor behartu zure jarraitzaile izateko. Bi, jarraitzaile asko badituzu ordea, jada ez zara hain libre. Ez dut jartzen edozer gauza.

2012ko apirilaren 29a
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