When the vote estimates were known (20:00 Sunday), Hollande (28.60%) was two and a half way ahead of Sarkozy, who achieved 27.10% of the votes. In the end, the Socialist candidate has made one and a half points more than the Conservative President, Mariano Rajoy. Less than I expected? More? Anyway, Hollande is the winner and Sarkozy the loser. Until yesterday, a president was not second in the first round, in which the president was present. Marine Le Pen’s estimates amounted to 20% of the votes, compared with the 18.20% obtained by the extreme right in last year’s presidential elections. That point and a half has finally been taken over by Sarkozy. The three were the great protagonists of the night, while Le Pen, psychologically, was the great winner of the night.
Favorite Hollande, but case by case
Hollande is the favourite to preside over the Chamber of Deputies. Supported by other leftist candidates (Mélenchon, Joly, Poutou, Arthaud), who are called against Sarkozy. Is it enough, though? Le Pen softens his father’s harsh speech – racism, security… – and takes some moderate right space, hit by the wave of crisis – Sarkozy. According to Le Pen, the new right is about to be born in France. The left touches Le Pen a wolf dressed in lamb's skin. How do the Le Pen centrists see? The votes are in the hands of the citizens, but after the first round the positions of the remaining candidates will influence the voters. However, the ambiguous positions of Le Pen and Bayrou keep alive Sarkozy’s hopes and opportunities. Le Pen, right-wing, and François Bayrou, center-right, will be the most influential in the president's decision.
Sarkozy will not surrender
Sarkozy's hit, but there's no K.O. It has already set in motion all the artillery that gives it power. He wants to compete in the media with Hollande. He has proposed three debates on television. Hollande has only accepted one of the two. Sarkozy has already spread the discourse of fear. Its motto is the principle of state security. Bury the financial powers and overwhelm the citizens with majesty. His psychological battle is based on a strong France.
Northern Basque Country
Hollande is located at the gates of Sarkozy in the northern part of the country. The third place was for Bayrou, the fourth for Mélenchon and the fifth for Le Pen. Will Hollande campaign to Euskal Herria? We will meet the President of the Generalitat on 6 May.
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