“To be Guay!” the post-modernists say.
Imagine that the Pasaia Superport is also called Ekoportua! Capitalism is based on human selfishness, and the ecological awareness that we have developed is linked to a comfortable economic situation. What about the crisis?
Do you tell me that we have blinded ourselves with the immediate benefit?
It's a male, fallacious, impositor thought. Have you never heard that cutting all the penises of the world would mean an immediate change, but that as long as there are penises there is nothing to do?
Yeah, yeah, after we've died, life goes on and all that...
In this unstoppable growth there may be room for everyone, but on the path to resource harvesting we are eradicating species from our environment. If life is going to continue after us, we should encourage the sterilization of the human being.
Keep making friends.
Our global structure is pyramidal, but it should be spherical. An elephant would not be stronger than a virus, everything would have its raison d'être, everything would be in balance. That is why women and ecology must be the axes of society.
In protests against mixed scares, women are the most violent.
What is the only way we've left you to be in this world designed by men? Can women develop their own instincts in a world like this? Thus, women entering the role of men may be worse than men.
He was a landscape designer!
The landscape is a sample of what happens in a given place, either well or badly: it makes a diagnosis of the society that inhabits it.
In this march, the TAV society will be ours.
The landscape is always pending. If so far the Cantabrian side has remained that way, it is because sheep's cheese has been sold well. TAV? It will have a tremendous effect and it will be a wound that will stay forever.
In other words, it is better to keep the glove on TV.
On the street, housewives ask me about Geranians and young people about marijuana. I don't know why there's an urban myth that says I create the best marijuana plants in the world, and I don't smoke or have a plant.
Macarena Olona estatuko abokatuak eta portuko aholkulariak iazko apirilean salatu zuen fiskaltzaren aurrean Pasaiako portuko lonjaren eraikuntzan balizko ustelkeria kasua. Espainiako Estatu mailan indarrean daude ere beste hamar portutako ustelkeria kasuen ikerketak.
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