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A commitment to literature

  • The people on the border. Xosé Luís Méndez Ferrín. Translation: Bego Montorio. Elkar, 1998. 200 pages. EUR 15,40.
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.
Those who more or less look at Galician literature have met many times with Xosé Luís Méndez Ferrín. Whether it's because of the large number of works that it has written -- poetry, narrative, essay -- or because different generations recognize it as a certain parenthood. The consensus was total in 1999, when Méndez Ferrín was proposed as a candidate for the Nobel Prize. And it is also not uncommon, not in vain is that writer who brought to modernity Galician literature, one of the most typical literary voices and fuertes.Es truth that is not as well known as others, at least

on the road he leads from Madrid. And starting to look for the motives, we find a vertical stone: politics. And we know that the writer suffers from a serious evil, which is both independence and Marxist – my God! –. And so, perhaps the most important work they have translated into Euskera, the people of Mugalde can cause one thing above the other: awe. Anyone who expects realistic and majestic narratives will soon withdraw the idea from her head, because it is very different that she will find here. Very different and very different between them. The

border is the one that separates Galicia from Portugal, to the south of Ourense. And it is not so much the creation of a literary territory as the literarization of a real, also diachronic territory, as the book runs from the 19th century until the War of 36. A tour through a geography, therefore, even if the stories have a fantastic touch (Blue Pants), or rather oneiric (Frightened Adosinda), as here the real toponym will find readers in various places. The same is true when it comes to seemingly more realistic stories such as war parties by the writer Ignacio Martínez de Pisón. Or the rubber boots that can be in the same anthology and the blue dream of the Militant. And above all we will find a certain touch of experimentation, times, a mixture of people, a demanding reading that will require the reader to be active. A commitment to literature, whatever it may be, to be well there.And it is true that

Méndez Ferrín is not as well known as others, what I know, like a Manuel Rivas or a non-Galician writer who gave the business cards of the newspaper El País when he came to collect the check collected in the campaign of Euskadi Irratia to help the organizers You never master. It was a necessity. The problem is ours, because we must once stop taking the train that has a compulsory stop in Madrid.

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